It was said of you;

It's not possible...
No "Nau," It can't be him/her
He/she lacks the requisite qualifications..
How come? He/she is just an ordinary fellow...who does he/she know?

That's what "SEE FINISH" causes

1 Samuel 10:11 MSG
When those who had previously known Saul

saw him prophesying with the prophets, they were totally surprised. "What's going on here? What's come over the son of Kish? How on earth did Saul get to be a prophet?"

What they never thought you could attain unto,
What good they never imagined Could befall you,
What blessings
they never thought could be yours, God will make it happen for you.

He hasn't changed. He still makes stuffs happen for the "underdogs"

Psalms 77:14 MSG
You're the God who makes things happen; you showed everyone what you can do -

Through you, God will show the world that
it's at His discretion to make anyone great.

You will move from "HERE to THERE" in Jesus name.

It's a nice that will shut everyone up.

It's your time for that O.B.B.
it's your time and your turn for that Major ONE BIG BREAK (O.B.B.) in Jesus name.

Join us this Sunday,

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1/“What would need to be true for you to….X”

Why is this the most powerful question you can ask when attempting to reach an agreement with another human being or organization?

A thread, co-written by @deanmbrody:

2/ First, “X” could be lots of things. Examples: What would need to be true for you to

- “Feel it's in our best interest for me to be CMO"
- “Feel that we’re in a good place as a company”
- “Feel that we’re on the same page”
- “Feel that we both got what we wanted from this deal

3/ Normally, we aren’t that direct. Example from startup/VC land:

Founders leave VC meetings thinking that every VC will invest, but they rarely do.

Worse over, the founders don’t know what they need to do in order to be fundable.

4/ So why should you ask the magic Q?

To get clarity.

You want to know where you stand, and what it takes to get what you want in a way that also gets them what they want.

It also holds them (mentally) accountable once the thing they need becomes true.

5/ Staying in the context of soliciting investors, the question is “what would need to be true for you to want to invest (or partner with us on this journey, etc)?”

Multiple responses to this question are likely to deliver a positive result.