Sweetest Revenge
I woke up this morning troubled about stuff and had vivid dreams about it too & then decided to write my views regarding the term "Forgiveness" or you can say that the sweetest Revenge ever.

It clicked my mind when my best friends said

"Forgive and forget from heart is difficult though" and they elaborated further that there are many times in life you come across people, they are rude cause you harm, they are going to do things that messed up your life and for a while u just think about forgiveness
But a person does the same thing over and over & every time you forgive them & keep doing this same thing over and over then what you can do, because you have to realize that things will never change & categorically stated that " you can't change someone's nature" & furthermore
"Once a snake always a snake".
On the other side I wanted to rebut that vague terms but don't know why I always failed to convey my opinion regarding that. I am on a view that we all sin, we all make mistakes but Allah always opened the door of forgiveness.
They cannot understand that "forgiveness is for you not for them". It benefits you not only after life but in this life as well. Let it go gives us satisfaction. Every religion emphasised about forgiveness and to forget. One of my best friend always quote the saying that
"We are good lawyers for our mistakes but very good judges for the mistakes of others" and I am totally agreed with this saying & we all opined that the same person does the same thing with us, so he is no more our friend & we all are very good judges for the mistake of others.
Let me clear one thing that nothing is permanent as my friends said nature can't change. I don't think so because human nature is a mystery. We can't judge anyone's nature even after knowing them for so long. In my opinion there's no particular nature of any person.
Anything can be changed the triggers differ. Budha said " Nothing is permanent. Everything is subject to change. Being is always becoming". I would say nothing is stagnant & everything is bound to change if it has to survive.
Even otherwise humans are not bad they are just different. Their perspective of life may differ & you all don't need to carry that extra burdens of bitterness in your heart. Give up your right to get even. Anyone can respond to evil with evil.
As I earlier said, we all make mistakes but Allah always opened the door of forgiveness. We need to do the same. Repeat the process as needed & accept the fact that nobody is perfect nor even snake.
So I plead to all of you of there's someone who hurts you " Let it go" destroy all bad memories. If you saw tears in someone eyes when they want forgiveness then please hug that person with a big smile & say " there's no grudge between us".
You know yar that will give you satisfaction & hope that Allah will give you something better on the day of judgment.
@threader_app please compile

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