ever wondered about my personal life? no? well let’s pretend (i’ve actually never done one of these before)

1. i have not been a virgin in *checks notes* over a decade
2. 100% sub bottom. my bdsm test results are so bottom that the dom top options do not even register. i have been told i have top energy tho whatever that means
3. i am not picky about who i have sex with as long as they top but ideally someone who could kick my ass (but won’t unless i ask them to bc they’re nice). also caregiver doms. i am actually very transparent LOL
4. receiving any art is a blessing that i will treasure forever 💕
5. i draw porn for money and leisure and post it on the internet. you tell me.
6. every day at least. sometimes twice. sometimes seven. gotta keep it interesting
7. public/free use is so hot. being blindfolded and creampied by countless strangers i can’t even see or keep track of 🥰
8. either my bd medium fenrir or my satisfyer pro lmao here’s a picture of my boy (feat crumbs sorry) i actually have. a substantial collection lol
9. once i tweet something it’s out there and gone, lost like tears in the rain so i genuinely couldn’t tell u bc i tweet so much shit but i posted cosplay lewds on priv once
10. kinda yeah i’m hypersexual i make dick appointments when there’s not a pandemic also again people pay me to draw porn
11. boxer briefs and a long sleeve t shirt bc it’s 3 am and i am in bed
12. confidence and competence. bonus points if there’s compassion thrown in too. i like when people know what the want and what they want happens to be one of my various holes
13. no shit or vomit please. also please don’t make me dom
14. depends if i’m on ssris or not LOL like an hour medicated and 15 mins unmedicated
15. i am currently in a long distance relationship :3
16. ¿por qué no los dos? cosplay sex is next level but also people Dont wear lingerie under their cosplay??
17. the way my brain automatically said “cock”. i can’t even like blame it on being an artisté i’ve been a connoisseur of penis for many many years 😔 uh besides that boobi, ass, thighs. back dimples? bark
18. hehehehehhehehehe so ANY monster, feral akechi ofc, ganondorf, baymax, mitsuru kirijo, dimitri fire emblem, the wizard from stardew valley—
19. absolutely not. sex and romance are very separate entities in my mind
20. so ill answer this a lil differently bc i Have listened to plenty of music while banging and nin’s With Teeth is an excellent choice. the aesthetic of getting ur back blown out to The Hand That Feeds? effervescent
21. hey idk wtf this means but like sure if they’re dtf ig
22. i dont really have wet dreams like horny shit happens but it’s rarely Horny u know i wake up aroused from nightmares sometimes but we will not unpack that here
23. ALDWJDJKSDJS i rp a bit but the last rp i did was maruki grooming and sexting ren LOL
24. god don’t make me choose. just scroll through my media LOL but uhh corruption, cnc, breeding, tentacles, size difference, power imbalance, primal
25. hell yeah. i’ve been in 3? 4? theyre fun and even better if theyre not spontaneous (please plan ur threesomes please it gets so messy)
26. seriously what the hell is a vtuber
27. i don’t usually stream but i showed my boobs a lot on omegle when i was in hs i think the last thing i streamed was fucky sims 4 w whore akechi so there’s that too ig
28. i have no shame for my kinks anymore tbh hucow is prolly up there tho bc it’s kinda weird but again idec i’ll talk abt rens milky boobers on main all day
29. like 6 hours but tbf there were multiple orgasms and edging involved. just a relaxing afternoon :)
30. dom top. in 2020 i decided to love myself and will no longer date or fuck bottoms i just can’t do it

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Why is this the most powerful question you can ask when attempting to reach an agreement with another human being or organization?

A thread, co-written by @deanmbrody:

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4/ So why should you ask the magic Q?

To get clarity.

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