How to Escape the Prison of Your Mind

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O𝚋̲𝚜̲𝚎̲𝚛̲𝚟̲𝚎̲ Y𝚘̲𝚞̲𝚛̲ T𝚑̲𝚘̲𝚞̲𝚐̲𝚑̲𝚝̲𝚜̲

Your mind is a room and your thoughts are a window.

When you think it is as you look into your room of thoughts.

Pay attention to what goes on, learn your mental triggers. Pay attention to how you respond to situations

Your thoughts are not always to be believed.

You thoughts come and go like a car going through a car wash.

One in, one out. Depending on how long you want to wash the car depends on how long the thought stays.

Observe your thoughts with no judgement
L𝚒̲𝚟̲𝚎̲ 𝚒̲𝚗̲ T𝚑̲𝚎̲ P𝚛̲𝚎̲𝚜̲𝚎̲𝚗̲𝚝̲

Understand where you are in your reality at all times

Think about the description of thing to the left of you:

-What color is it?
-What shape is it?
-How big is it?
-What is its function?
-Why is it built that way?

Why is this healthy? Because it releases your thoughts into your present objective reality.

Knowing that you are there is a good way to stop thoughts because then you start to live. 👽
D𝚘̲𝚗̲'̲𝚝̲ T𝚑̲𝚒̲𝚗̲𝚔̲ A𝚋̲𝚘̲𝚞̲𝚝̲ B𝚎̲𝚒̲𝚗̲𝚐̲ 𝚒̲𝚗̲ Y𝚘̲𝚞̲𝚛̲ ̲H𝚎̲𝚊̲𝚍̲

It may sound dumb but, when someone tell you not to do something the initial reaction is to do that something.
S𝚝̲𝚘̲𝚙̲ C𝚊̲𝚛̲𝚒̲𝚗̲𝚐̲ A𝚋̲𝚘̲𝚞̲𝚝̲ O𝚝̲𝚑̲𝚎̲𝚛̲ P𝚎̲𝚘̲𝚙̲𝚕̲𝚎̲𝚜̲ O𝚙̲𝚒̲𝚗̲𝚒̲𝚘̲𝚗̲𝚜̲

Imagine your favorite water bottle brand

If we take all 8 billion people and ask what is their favorite water is

There will probably be a majority bottle.

That still doesn't make it your favorite.

If their water bottle choice doesn't matter why should any of their opinions matter?

When you realize that you don't need external validation you stop think and acting for it. 🌊
I wish you can take some of these into your own life and start living not thinking.

As always if you enjoyed i appreciate a retweet😈


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