#nofgm thread about immediately after I was mutilated . Especially me how I felt. Trigger warning.
So first My body was raging with pain. My soul was crushed. My humanity was protesting

Smell of blood was absolutely engulfing and horrific . I was violently shaking. I i didn't have any control over my body. Every move my body made. It was extra sharp pain which was everywhere. I just wanted my body to stop just for a minute so that I can catch my breath.
Then the cutter is screaming that if I don't stop shaking .my stitched will come out and she will have to stitch me up. But I can't control how my body is reacting,I can't. I cant scream either
My voice is gone from screaming. I am swimming in the river of pain.
I am confused. I can't look at my mother or my unty. I am in so much pain that I pray to die. Cant take it. The Hut is my butchery Hut. The sun hits and the smell of blood is horrific. I can't stop smelling it. I am only 6yrs. Just tender age of
6yrs. I am surrounded
By family yet I am on a desert island just me and my pain. Why I ask in my head
Million thoughts running through my head. Why was I ignored when I scream. What was this .why did it happened. Why am I hurting this much. Million whys no answer
Its days now .I still can't move . I am not allowed to move. They physically move me to the hole next to me where my mat that I am laying on. Thats where I urinate in that hole. Its nightmare. I am not fed as much. Just sips of water& tiny food. Hunger + pain= hell on Earth.
I am truly shadow of bubbly Hibo. Loving and care free Hibo. I am Hibo with so much pain. Feel so much anger. I feel so lost .I feel rage in every direction.
I am sharing thisnot to gain pity. I want to educate you all. I want to expose this cruelty that has consumed 200 million women and girls. I want to expose this Hidden violence towards women and girls. I want to tell every little pain that I experienced.
I owe it to the 800 girls per day globally mutilated. My voice is for them and for the whole of womanhood Alone period. On the 6th of Feb. Its #internationalZeroTolerance day. We are going to release the interview with @Dawn_French @JLallaMaharajh @WF_Women @OrchidProject
Be part of the journey to end FGM/FGC. Its your business to know what is causing death & destruction toward women and girls worldwide.
On 6th of Feb i need you to furiously Rts the interview and share widely please.

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“We don’t negotiate salaries” is a negotiation tactic.

Always. No, your company is not an exception.

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