I keep hearing the average age of the few protestors who were arrested during the Capitol attack was about 40 years old.

There were some really dangerous people in that crowd. III Percenters, neo-nazis, the vanguard, the fist of hate in America. Do not let them off the hook.
I don't care if Elizabeth from Knoxville has her day in court. I want to know who this guy is and what the zipties were for and who his buddies are. And I want them off the street.
I want to know if active duty or reserve military were involved. I want to know if law enforcement officers were involved. And I want their networks broken.
I want to know who funds the organizations that financially support the fist of hate. I want to know who funds their media platforms. These are the accessories to murder that should be investigated. https://t.co/3vZ2ZBGXCZ
I want to know who is complicit in local law enforcement and who was a victim of terrible preparation.
I want to know who the political leaders are that provide support and cover to these organizations.
I don't really care if the podium stealing guy, or Q shaman guy or Pelosi note-leaving guy get justice. I care about this guy. Because this isn't his first rodeo and it is not his last. Fist of hate. Lock it up.
We don't need mass arrests. We don't need to fortify our public spaces. We don't need more law enforcement. We need careful targeting of the worst actors, the fist, and we need certainty of arrest and conviction. We need focus. We need to look past the bullet holes.
Red dots mark where planes were struck by bullets during WWII dogfights. The gut response--reinforce the shot up parts. But the real solution was to reinforce the parts that caused planes to be shot down and not return. The really dangerous guys did not Livestream. #CapitolRiots
If you are infuriated by the attack on the Capitol and want to DO something, consider supporting the Southern Poverty Law Center. @splcenter has been fighting hate inside America for decades. https://t.co/4VnEREKCQ2

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