#BLM & Movement for Black Lives are promoting a 128 page bill that brings their radical protest demands into political reality.

The bill eliminates DoD ops, stops counter-terrorism programs, offers social services to illegal immigrants, &

Due to the exorbitant length of the bill (it's 128 pages) I have to explain the specifics of the BREATEHE act in sections. This article only includes the first section of the bill, which is pages 1-10.

You can find the full bill here:
In the first 10 pages, the BREATHE Act moves to:

1. Repeal federal funding for local law enforcement.

The first two pages alone "abolishes" the D.E.A. and removes local law enforcement's ability to access federal funding for bulletproof vests.
2. Eliminate Department of Homeland Security (@DHSgov) programs, including ICE and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) programs.
The specific programs that they move to abolish include:


Border Enforcement Security program

Countering Violent Extremism program

Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Program

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Denaturalization Program
3. Eliminates the ATF's Hiring and Training Programs and Preventing Federal Funding of Prisons (@ATFHQ)

The bill prevents the U.S. from preventing international drug trafficking and manufacturing disruption efforts, no funding to support the building / repurposing of prisons.
4. Create a "Transfer of Funds" from the U.S. Government to Tribal Nations

A vague section of the bill calls for creating a grant program to "fulfill the U.S. Government's treaty and trust obligations to tribal nations." There is no specifics provided.
5. Create Survivor Funding Programs; Offer Funding for People Experiencing "Violence of any Nature."

One of the hallmarks of the #BLM movement has been expanding the definition of "violence" to include everything from incarceration to a lack of financial reparations...
The BREATHE Act moves to require the Office of of Survivor Support and Harm Prevention to fund rehabilitation programs for people who experience "violence of any nature." They don't explain what that could include.
The funding will apply to non citizens and undocumented (illegal) immigrants. This includes support for communities that have experienced BLM-identified harmful interactions with law enforcement.
This section of the program also requires payment vouchers be issued to individuals who have no stable housing due to domestic violence, discrimination for being a "sex worker," and human trafficking survivors. (See Breathe Act Subsection 1, 1D)
6. Establish a "Youth Funding Program," Eliminate Responsibilities of Office of Juvenile Justice

Rather than allowing the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program to operate as usual, the bill moves to transfer the responsibilities of that program into a new program
The program would be available to illegal immigrants and non-citizens, and would be run by "community based" leadership with a racial makeup that represents the community.
This is where things get crazy - the bill also moves to eliminate multiple @DeptofDefense programs. They also want to eliminate the use of F-35 jets.

Goals for the next subsection include:

-reduce funding for Department of Defense by 10% in 2021.
-creating an independent commission that would have access to otherwise confidential military information

- The commission would be provided $12 million dollars to operate.

-The commission's duties would include oversight on DoD decisions and...
Change our nuclear defense program

Eliminate the @SpaceForceDoD

Eliminating the U.S. F-35 jet

Reducing overseas troop deployment by at least 50%.

Stopping the construction of new military aircraft

Eliminating Overseas Contingency Operations program.
Ending the U.S. Africom Program

Ending funding to foreign military forces

Eliminating funds allocated to the European Deterrence Initiative, the Defense Emergency Response Fund, Pacific Deterrence Initiative, and Base Operations Support
OVERALL, the first section of the BREATHE Act is dedicated eliminating the ability of law enforcement and the Department of Defense to do their jobs by blocking access to funding and logistical channels.

Again, what is explained above is only 10 of the 128 total pages.
BLM co-founder P. Cullors has marketed the bill in @TeenVogue, calling it a "love letter to Black people" & "modern day civil rights legislation."

Fantastic marketing, but this bill has more to do with controlling policing & defense than civil rights.
@threadreaderapp, unroll plz ❤️

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Without jumping to conclusions, this is a strange coincident. Is someone trying to kill two birds with one stone?

If you don't get caught up in the noise of the media, you'll notice a few more things. The far-right Oath Keepers has been patrolling major cities with heavy weapons for weeks. They were present in numbers at the Capitol, but without weapons.

You find photos of the arrested vandals but strangely enough not of the one 70-year-old who allegedly had a truck full of weapons. And at least I couldn't find an image of that truck. But the old man was apparently very talkative to the police.

The most questionable aspect, however, is the FBI's search for a person who was apparently caught on a surveillance camera the previous night.
At that time, it was possible to predict a mass gathering, but not the riot.

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