On studying the first sutra of Yoga darshan ‘Atha Yogaanushasnam’ one wants to know ‘What is Yoga?’To understand Yoga in entirety one must know what is mind, vritti and nirudh. The original and the actual meaning of Yoga cannot be understood without
۞ Đ Prajña~प्रज्ञ Series ۞
Prajña (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञ) as प्रज्ञा, प्राज्ञ and प्राज्ञा is used to refer to the highest and purest form of Wisdom, Intelligence and Understanding.
On studying the first sutra of Yoga darshan ‘Atha Yogaanushasnam’ one wants to know ‘What is Yoga?’To understand Yoga in entirety one must know what is mind, vritti and nirudh. The original and the actual meaning of Yoga cannot be understood without
Let us first know what is mind- in simple words mind refers to the land where our thoughts are born, formed and remain firm as sacraments. This mind land is of five types.
1. Kshipt- restless state
2. Vikshipt- distracted state
3. Mudha-confused state
5. Niruddh- restrained state
It is important to note here that Yoga is possible only in one mindedness and restrained state of mind.
Now let us understand fluctuations of mind.
Vritti is used as plural instead of singular because fluctuation is not
Now comes the last and
The literal meaning of nirudh given by many is ‘to stop’.
‘Yoga is stopping the fluctuations of mind’. If you are short of efforts to completely stop the fluctuations
॥ सहस्र शिरसं श्वेतं प्रणमामि पतञ्जलिम् ॥