8 ways to naturally skyrocket your focus and stop getting distracted:

1. Improve your sleep

Sleep heavily influences your:

• Mood
• Energy
• Thinking

Without sleep, your brain won’t operate properly.
6 tips to fix your sleep:

1. Exercise during the day
2. Avoid screens 1 hour before bed
3. Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed
4. Avoid caffeine 10 hours before bed
5. Buy a comfortable pillow + mattress
6. Cool your room temperature between 60-67 degrees
2. Meditate

Studies have shown meditation can:

• Boost focus
• Elevate mood
• Improve memory
• Increase attention

If you don’t like meditation, try yoga or deep breathing.
3. Listen to music

Music can drown out distracting noise and help get you into flow.

Picking music without lyrics will be your best option.

• Lofi
• Jazz
• Classical
• Movie soundtracks
• Video game soundtracks

All are solid choices.
4. Optimize your diet

The foods you eat influence your cognitive function.

• Eggs
• Spinach
• Fatty fish
• Blueberries

All are great choices to incorporate into your diet to boost brain function.

Avoid overly processed and high-sugar foods.
5. Drink caffeine

Coffee and green tea have been shown to boost concentration.

The sweet spot is anywhere between 100mg to 300mg.

To avoid negative side effects, try not to go over this.
6. Supplement

More research needs to be done, but potential brain-boosting supplements include:

• Creatine
• Choline
• Ginseng
• Tyrosine
• Valerian root

Do your own research, experiment, and use what works for you.
7. Take regular breaks

Your focus can sharply decline after 1.5-2 hours of focus.

If you notice yours declining, take a 15-20 minute break.

This will allow your brain to reset and work more efficiently for the next session.
8. Exercise

One of the most beneficial things you can do for your body and mind.

Exercise has been shown to:

• Improve sleep
• Boost energy
• Elevate mood
• Decrease stress
• Increase mental alertness

Which all play a huge role in your cognitive abilities.
8 ways to naturally skyrocket your focus and stop getting distracted:

1. Improve your sleep
2. Meditate
3. Listen to music
4. Optimize your diet
5. Drink caffeine
6. Supplement
7. Take regular breaks
8. Exercise
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