My name is Maryjane and the woman in the picture is Okolo Beatrice, my mother.

In August, my mom started having constant headaches. She went to the hospital, and was attended to by a doctor, but the headache persisted.

At a point, she started having loss of memory and disorientation.

We were asked to go to the Neuropsychiatric hospital to ask for a Neurologist.

She went, but did not see a Neurologist on seat, but met with another doctor there.
She was given some medications and asked to come back in a month. She returned to the hospital on the 29th of September with the same complaints. She was given medications again and was sent back home.

At a point I was no longer comfortable with the complaints.
I assumed it was a result of stress. So on the 1st of October, I went to my parents house, picked her up and went straight to the lab, where blood work as suggested by a doctor was carried out. From the lab, I took her to my house. My plan was for her to rest well.
The results of the test came back on the 4th of October, and the outcome prompted me to start looking for a Neurologist. I started making calls. Fortunately, we got a number and the following day which was the 5th of October, I took her to the doctor in Onitsha.
We were sent for a CT head scan at Sun diagnostic center, Onitsha. The films came out but we were asked to come in for the report the following day. (In the 6th of October) by 2pm. The films were then sent to the doctor.
On our way back from the hospital, the junior doctor called to tell me the worst news of my life. My mother has been diagnosed with Glioblastoma and needs urgent surgery. We were asked to deposit 1 million naira for the surgery immediately.
After so many running around, we were able to come up with the money. We made a deposit. By then it was around 7pm and we were asked to come the following day.
My mom's health started getting worse that night. We didn't sleep throughout the night. She vomited all night and by morning she became unconscious. We rushed her to the hospital and she was admitted. Later we were asked to take her to another branch of the hospital in Awka.
This was because the surgery couldn't be performed in the current branch. I went back to the lab to get the report of the CT scan but it wasn't ready yet. My mum was critical and I was being told to come back later for a report that was supposed to be ready.
Ready in time for surgery. They asked for my email and told me once the result is ready, it will be sent to me. I got it later that day and forwarded it to the doctor. We were told that the Intracranial pressure was high she'll need to be stabilized before surgery.
After so many medical interventions, she regained consciousness and was booked for surgery on the 10th of October. My mom was in the theatre for 9 hours. Immediately she came out of the theatre, she was sent for a CT scan. We were told the report will be out in 3 days time.
The doctor told us that the tumor was so extensive. That they brought out the much they could without causing more harm to her. The tissue was now sent to Pathocon lab in Nnewi for histological studies. Within the coming week, we ran so many blood works.
Yet she wasn't getting any better. Her head was swollen. The report of the CT scan revealed haemorrhage and air pockets which needed attention.
On Sunday the 18th, I received a call that we are supposed to pay another deposit. My mom will be going for another surgery.
Money was paid and surgery done.
Histology result came out and it wasn't a malignant glioblastoma as was initially diagnosed. It's pilocytic Astrocytoma, a benign tumor. I was like "yeah, this is great news, we'll still need to do 1 or 2 radiation and she'll be fine"
But how wrong I was. In the following weeks, her health has deteriorated and the neurologist wants to transfer her to a radiation treatment center at UNTH.
The doctor said the recent CT scan done revealed that there are still little tumors coming up.
But I took the recent report to another doctor for a second opinion and I was told that the only option we have now is to send mom to Memfys Neuro hospital Enugu. That they have the best hands that can help our case.
On enquires about the radiation and Memfys hospital, I found out that I can not afford any other treatment as her previous treatment has depleted our sources. We've also accumulated another 3.6 million apart from all the money we've paid so far in the recent hospital.
This is the reason I'm pleading with anyone who comes across this link to help donate any amount you can spare, to help my mom.
₦500 by 20k people will give me 10 million naira. It's a great start. I know things are hard, but I beg y'all. My mum is just 56, still in her prime.
I opened a GoFundMe account yesterday. I'll post the link in the next space. For people who find the GoFundMe stressful, My account details are 3034769154
Nwonwu Maryjane Chinaza
First bank
@aproko_doctor @DrOlufunmilayo
Sorry for the tags. Please help me share.
Thank you so much everyone.
Hi there,

I'd really appreciate it if you could share or donate to this GoFundMe,

*Help my mom regain consciousness and live again*

More from Health

Some thoughts on this: Firstly, it might be personal preference, but I am not keen on this kind of campaign as I feel like it trivialises cancer. Sometimes the serious message gets lost because people are sharing pics of cats or whatever and the important context is gone.

More importantly, the statistic being used in the campaign is misleading. It says 57% of women put off cervical screening if they can't get waxed. But on further investigation, that's not accurate.

The page here goes on to say "57% of women who regularly have their pubic hair professionally removed would put off attending their cervical screening appointment if they hadn’t been able to visit a beauty salon."

So the 57% represents a concern not across the whole population of women, but only those who regularly get waxed. So how big of an issue is this across the whole population? And what else is stopping people getting smears?

I think campaigns for cancer screening are really tricky because there is so much nuance that often doesn't fit into a catchy headline or hashtag. It's certainly not easy and is part of a bigger conversation.

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