1st Stock in this list is #Greenpanel

CMP 470/-

First shared at 302 with an open target then went to 625.Again to add more for another 100% in the next 2 years maximum.

SL can be kept below 400 on WCB

Rest do your own diligence before taking position.

To be continued 🙏🏼

More from TheMillionaire 🇮🇳

#DeepakNitrite is not changing it's pattern

It goes in consolidation for 2 months after every result. Then in next one month, it crosses previous high and even more.

That's how the journey of 8x has completed.. waiting to hit 2400 to get my first ever 10x 🤓🥂
I'm working out on a Portfolio for 3 years and I feel it can provide 2x- 3x returns till March 2024.

I've covered 6 stocks today and working on 3-4 more Stocks. Though, I've checked each aspect but 👇

** You still need to keep a track of fundamentals every quarter**

#Stock No 1

#BlackRose Ind ( Chemical)

MCAP 829 Cr
Fundamentals 👌🏻
Technical 💪🏻

Already covered Business and Financial previously and can check again below. Stocks hasn't run up in recent

#Stock No 2

#IEX (Platform Business)

MCAP 10,162 Cr
Fundamentals 👌🏻
Technical 💪🏻

This is also covered preciously and can check detailed thread on below

#Stock No 3

#Gland ( Pharmaceutical)

MCAP 39,447 Cr
Stock PE 51.9
ROCE. 30.2%
ROE 23.4%

**Major revenue comes from B2B
**Quality products
**Aim to file 20-25 ANDA each year
** Positive Management & great future outlook

#Stock No 4

#happiestminds ( IT)

MCP 7,675 Cr
Stock PE 53.7
ROCE 42.8%
ROE 83%

**Strong & experienced Management & Promotors
**OPM % has increased from 4% to 27% from Dec'19 to Dec'20.
**Significant improvement in Net cash flow
**Positive Commentry on Future outlook

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