No, Pelosi can’t just magically refuse to seat seditious republicans. Courts would overrule it, and she’d look toothless. There are NEVER any magic wands in politics, on either side. Stop listening to pundits who promote simplistic magic wand solutions as if they were real.

“But the 14th Amendment...” No. Amendments aren’t magic wands that can just be waved. The courts don’t interpret something a certain way just because you think they should. A childlike simplistic notion doesn’t become a realistic strategy just because it’s gone viral on Twitter.
Now if you want to push the 14th Amendment narrative as a way of educating the average American that the GOP committed sedition, go for it. But that’s not the same thing as expecting a magic wand solution to actually happen, or bashing Democrats for not waving a magic wand.
Why do so many liberal pundits push these kinds of childlike magic wand solutions as if they were real? Because they’d rather pander to you and go viral, than educate and empower you. Your job is to recognize when you’re being bullshitted with simplistic magic wand fantasies.
It gets even sicker when these same liberal pundits turn around and bash the Democratic Party for not having the “guts” to carry out the magic wand fantasies that the pundits have invented. They dishonestly turn you against your own party leaders, just so they can go viral.
“Why don’t you just name the names of these bad liberal pundits?” Because it’s most of them. Look around. Most political punditry on Twitter reads like bad fan fiction. The average eighth grader would see through these magic wand fantasies. But y’all get sucked into them.
Which is understandable. When most of the pundits on here are pushing the same conveniently simplistic solution, it’s easy to get sucked in. You have to step back quite a bit to realize how hilariously childlike some of these magic wand ideas sound, and why they’d obviously fail.
Put another way: if these magic wand ideas were viable, why would the Democrats in charge go so far out of their way to avoid adopting such winning strategies? They wouldn’t. These are just terrible kindergarten level ideas, that the Democrats reject for good reason.
It’s like when you tune in to football talk radio, and every caller has some magic wand idea that would instantly turn their team around. It always involves something idiotic like throwing a long pass on every play. Some coaches are better than others, but no coach is that dumb.
“But we need to hold the Democrats accountable.” Not by touting simplistic magic wand ideas that make you sound like a child, and then bashing the Democrats for refusing to use your childlike ideas.

You want to hold your leaders accountable? First learn how things actually work.
Pelosi is one of the savviest political minds of this era, and Schumer is also savvier than the average bear. But each day half my feed is people and pundits demanding to know why Pelosi and Schumer don’t have the guts to just wave a magic wand. It’s... not helpful.
“But Congressman Bill Pascrell said the 14th Amendment really is a magic wand for not seating people.” No he didn’t. He’s just trying to start the conversation, to give Pelosi cover for some REALISTIC response. Pascrell knows that magically not seating people is a child’s fantasy

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