#CIA #4amTalkingPoints

Thank goodness The President golfs regularly.

We should all golf, or walk, or run, or bike, or climb, or roll more regularly.




#https://www.rawstory.com/ =
TrumpDerangementSyndrome on steroids

Rockin the deep state message

The #Failed #LuceFamilyCon

Another East Indian #rag hating on The President. For exercising, while he contemplates and converses with trusted friends. #LunaticLeft

Of course @CNN is on this band wagon as well

No reason to even link to them here
Canada "representing" / doing the #zombie thing

This #FakeNews was a fun deep dive

Miami hark-the-Herald, rockin' the Christmas spirit. Deep State style. Proud of their Leftists.


If you weren't sure about TheHill,com

this should answer it


Likewise with Mediaite,com



"I'd rather die
than give you control"


#CIA #ThousandPiecesOfShit


"Kyle Griffin" = 5-x-5

"The 5 can be their own worst enemy"

With a 5-x-5? Count on it.

Speaking of losers with 5 destinies

"Emily Brandwin" = 5-destiny -- The 5 is the most naive quality. Emily = 5-x-1. #DoubleShot

Check out that profile, btw. Admits to being former #CIA.

Speaking of a #DoubleShot


And the Deep State sellouts keep on coming


From @Marc_Perrone's profile:
"President of 1.3 million member United Food & Commercial Workers International Union @UFCW."

America will never be a Socialist country, Marc

@ABCNews #FakeNews

Minnesota - a state living in infamy

@APNews tried to say this page -- that they had tweeted out -- didn't exist.


Apple,news phones it in, redirecting to CNN's "coverage"

Did you know?

"KTLA has been keeping Southern California informed since 1947" 🙄

@KTLA @KTLAnewsdesk

Hating on The President is an International Affair

@DailyMail @DailyMailUK

Even the #FunctionallyIlliterate are weighing in


MSN opts for a CNN ass-kissing

Detroit, showing their Confucian side

Quality socialists -- says so in her profile -- jumping on the bandwagon

"Kara" = 2-x-4
"Kara Krieger" = 5


I did not say Kara is a B-3 bomber



"Founded in 2008, PoliticusUSA is a political commentary site that provides news, analysis, and opinions from a progressive perspective. Jason Easley serves as the Publisher/Editor-in-Chief"

Jason = 7-x-5 -- "accident looking for a place to happen"
@KNWA is arKansas-based.

Say, where are Billy & Hillary & upside-down-cross daughter from? #coven


More from Government

I don't normally do threads like this but I did want to provide some deeper thoughts on the below and why having a video game based on a real world war crime from the same people that received CIA funding isn't the best idea.

This will go pretty in depth FYI.

The core reason why I'm doing this thread is because:

1. It's clear the developers are marketing the game a certain way.

2. This is based on something that actually happened, a war crime no less. I don't have issues with shooter games in general ofc.

Firstly, It's important to acknowledge that the Iraq war was an illegal war, based on lies, a desire for regime change and control of resources in the region.

These were lies that people believed and still believe to this day.

It's also important to mention that the action taken by these aggressors is the reason there was a battle in Fallujah in the first place. People became resistance fighters because they were left with nothing but death and destruction all around them after the illegal invasion.

This is where one of the first red flags comes up.

The game is very much from an American point of view, as shown in the description.

When it mentions Iraqi civilians, it doesn't talk about them as victims, but mentions them as being pro US, fighting alongside them.
They shouldn't be.

The pattern is:
GOP in power - GOP dictates policy

Dems in power - GOP dictates policy

The Dems shouldn't legislate toward the GOP.

The GOP doesn't represent its constituents.

The GOP can push it's agenda on its own time.

If Dems push an agenda that actually helps people, it'll also actually help the GOP constituency.

The GOP won't. So give them nothing.

The Dems should ignore the GOP just like the GOP ignores the Dems.

Make them pay for every moment of obstruction.

Just a hard press on legislation that is unassailable and shine a light on the GOP.

Constant. Relentless. Unyielding.

Shut them out and shut them down.

The GOP is not a legitimate political party. It is an anti-democratic, fascist criminal syndicate with no interest whatsoever in governance.

Nobody should give them the slightest bit of credit or legitimacy ever again.

Not a fucking ounce.

Nobody should engage them in legitimate debate in Congress.

They should be pariahs and treated as unserious occupants of Congress.

Because these people were totally ok with their colleagues being killed in furtherance of the destruction of the insitution.

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