This has been known since the beginning of this plannedemic, just unreported by media.

For those wondering, it is right on the NIH website.
More sauce from 2003
And from 4/30 MSM before they reworked the narrative.
Coronavirus Drug Exclusive: Meet The Doctor Behind The Hydroxychloroquine Treatment, And What’s Next For Its Use – CBS New York
Even more sauce...
Turkey claims success treating COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine, the drug touted by Trump - CBS News
It is RIGHT ON THE NIH website. Makes NO SENSE to put you in "time out" for quoting the National Institutes of Health website. Scroll down to "CONCLUSION", and it is word-for-word quoted from there.
How do you think the whole of America will feel knowing so many lives could have been saved by a drug we have had for nearly 100 years? Look at the red box from the NIH website.

On 10/18/2019, a "pandemic exercise" was held in NYC by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and was entitled "Event 201". Here is the website.

The name of the event includes a graphic of the earth in the title. If you take only the text and exclude the graphic, it is "Event 2 1". Why is that important? Because it is the KEY to understanding it. The "2" and the "1" = 21, as in...
The Event 201 "scenarios" is almost EXACTLY what happened...
Then, "unrelatedly" there is the preparation of COVID-19 tests, distributed during the year 2018 by the World Bank. Which begs the question: How did they know over 1.5 years before a virus appeared, was analyzed, and then would be named COVID-19?
Of course, as soon as that became widely known, they edited their database, but the Wayback Machine has a copy of the original here:
I have been sharing this information since March and April of 2020. What stuns me is that it is widely and publicly available. Every reference here is to a GOVERNMENT website or an NGO site. There is nothing "speculative" here.

BTW, who was head of NIH in 2005? Oh, that's right.

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