The assertion & question of unity, unifying the country, wondering what the hell the problem is, and why is all this happening is taking center stage. Dramatically.
As is the corollary question being tossed about, "How to heal the Nation?".

There is a #systems principle

that is a powerful insight into these, & related, questions.

"You cannot solve a problem at the same level it was created."

If the problem we were solving for were some detail, 'where to place a road; what $ to allocate to this or that project' sort of thing, then the way to
think about the problem, the impasse, is to appeal first to the functions of prior planning, history - meaning what did we do the last time, maybe pragmatics...Eventually, if the organization (whether business, community, or governance) may make a decision and that becomes the
decision. Often, typically, the decision is some sort of amalgam of the various ideas and 'camps' in the room. Rarely, but sometimes, the decision is made out of pure hierarchy..."What the boss says goes, I don't care what you think..." sort of thing. Largely that is old school
and is not the normal way of conflict resolution. Especially in the context of solving a problem.
But a decision is made, and typically people, and the various factions, come together and get to work in the context of the decision. Sometimes called 'teamwork'.
If this works, it works because there is a tacit, typically unconscious agreement to the rules and structure of the organization, and everyone moves on and gets to work on the resolution.

In other words, the problem was actually solved at the level of the commonly held values
and principles that everyone essentially shared. It made the resolution at the level of the problem at hand able to be resolved.

The problem we are having today is exactly of this type, but the levels are far deeper. Deep enough to where there are no more levels upon which
there is a general, unconscious, or better a' priori, agreement. The breaches that are becoming the concretized divisions within our country are finally being driven down into levels we do not typically "work out of".

Historians understand how these divisions are the drivers
of history. Our own American history has many confluence, including the Enlightement, Capitalism - itself a conclusion of economic reality, theory, and practical social relationship developed in the same crucible as the "New World" and its political dimensions. Science, later
the practical applications that became the Industrial Revolution... all of it... and much more, are the ingredients that made/make up what is America. Ultimately these ideas were expressed & manifested in the Constitution.
This catalog of the deep, axiomatic, paradigmatic principles that organized the basic relationships of power, the Governed to the Government, and the underlying first causes for establishing a new state... all of it, is embedded and embodied in the Constitution and relevant
documents. The ones often appealed to, but few have actually read, and fewer actually understood. But that line for another chapter....

For now it is relevant to assert the proposition that the Constitution is the bedrock of America. It is the axiomatic premise upon which
everything after is predicated upon. The laws, layers of organization and etc.
And, more darkly, who is and who is not part of this experiment... Not so much stated in terms of "why", that is the social context... but in absolute terms of "Is".
It is upon this point that the American Experiment almost did not get off the ground. The compromises required to gain the Southern states are well known.

Later, because of the unresolved, inherent contradictions, the country would be plunged into the Civil War.
As Lincoln put it: 'To see if that nation or any nation so constituted could long endure...".

That was a hard example of the principle I am attempting to articulate.
In the end there was no deeper appeal to common values. As such there was no room for compromise, an agreed
vision or desired outcome. The divide was not at the day to day level of practical life and living....but at the deeper, typically unconscious level of ones axiomatic values. Those beliefs, values, ideas and principles that do not have a deeper predicate. "It is just who I am".
At the level of tribal affiliations, it is "This is who we are.". There is no questioning why. There is no rationalization of whether it is a good or bad thing. It is the essential "isness" of ones-self. Or, the tribe, or community, state, sports team.... Or.... Country.
This is the state we are in now. The divisions in the country are not at the policy level. Not at any level that has an appeal to a deeper level for calm... for coming together and working things out.

Now, as many times before, we are busting at the seams with fundamental
contradictory notions of what is, and what is right.

I submit it is this basic fact that is the context of the manifest strife, and its seeming impossible reconciliation.
Impossible, because, it is, in fact, impossible.

Not without thinking (being) different. And no one wants
to make that move. To be the first to examine their values, beliefs and motives in light of the times. Much easier to demonize the opposition, cling to the tribe that is your community, be absolutely certain of your rightness, held with unwavering righteousness.
So here we are. With the rumblings of a new 'civil war', once distant and easy to ignore, now shoved onto the main stage and impossible to ignore...
Now what?
Others have done a deep dive into some of the particulars that make up this fundamental division. What is interesting, to me, is the recursive nature of the problem.

It is said the Original Sin of America (even before its founding 1776 version) was slavery.
That fundamental fact, so complex in terms of economy (who does the work that creates the wealth), human nature (I will be comfortable at your expense. Me first), religion (We will use you for our purposes as "god" decreed it should be"), power (who has it, and who does not)
and more, all going to the singular question: Who is and who is not part of this community, state... Country.

Constitutionally this was answered with whitewashed contradictions in terms of blacks, and also the American Indian. But it was the issue of Slavery, which has
riddled our social contract from before the very beginning. is still a vital force that once again is forcing the question onto the main stage.

It is a question so deep that it has no deeper level to appeal to in order to find a common ground from which to resolve it.
A reason the opposing sides are so inscrutable to one another is, I suggest, on this point. The premises of the opposing world views - how the world is understood to be, to work, what is right and what is wrong - what once was a common value that could be appealed to to help
resolve conflict, is now the conflict. There is no deeper level of agreement to appeal to.

This, of course, is not true. But it is functionally true.
To end this endless loop into the imperative questions of who, what, why and how all this is happening. How did Jan6 happen? How did Trump happen? And "why cant you, the other side, see how wrong you are?"

These are the questions that people now want to sweep under the rug
again in the wan hope of "calming things down", under the impossible resolution of "Unity".
One side, the losers in this particular battle, want to "move on" for the sake of unity. "Don't tear the country apart by impeaching Trump". Or investigating who was involved in the Jan6
insurrection. Don't even call it that. Some of this comes with the implicit, sometimes explicit threat of "if you do they will do it again.".
So we are facing the same daunting question as we have in the past outbreaks at this level: How shall we deal with this irreconcilable division at the level of first values? The basically different a priori' premises?

A problem cannot be solved at the same level it was created.
What if the problem is created at the very first level?

It sets up the stresses that become untenable compromises, that eventually break out again in a Civil War. And again in the Jim Crow era, sanctioned & instantiated by the arbiter of our foundational Constitutional norms,
the Supreme Court. And etc throughout our history. We have been struggling with this one non stop, in varying degrees of social outrage, for ever. Making incremental gains on our way to a "More Perfect Union".

But now, those gains are again the center of the dispute of these
different foundational value systems.

How we go about finding a true common ground (which is, in fact actually there for the taking, if we could just see it) will determine just how hard these next months & years are going to be.

More from Michael Beaton

Interesting how the shift in the 'pubs message is now "hey, lets get unified". And do that by trying, yet again, to elude consequences...and investigation, into what happened.
We have tried that path multiple times already.
It does not work.

Rep. Jordan does not see!..

Of course not. It is imperative that he not see.

Here is how it works...The way you and your team always put up a concrete wall when it comes to the relatively petty crimes some people do. They need to learn the lesson by suffering the consequences of their choices.

Consequences you absolve those who actually do deep and structural damage to the country from. At least until it cannot be ignored any longer, and you need a "sacrificial lamb".

Looking forward to seeing which 'lambs' will be offered up for this monumental moment.


Eventually when the lesser 'lambs' are insufficient to the crime, sometimes, the responsibility finally lands on the leader, the head perp, the mob boss goes to prison after all. Or like Spiro Agnew, allowed to resign quietly... (one of the lucky ones).

Trump has the option to

Trump has the option to resign. The quick (and cowardly) way out. It won't heal the nation as well as a deep investigation would.
However, regardless of how these next few days play out, that investigation that has been called for before Jan6 still needs to happen.
So there
Yes. This is the problem.

Irrational anger & outrage which is easily manipulated, as we see being done, into tribal affiliation. Predicated not on some devotion to core ideals & principles of the country, but something else.

Notice what ea side appeals how they express it.

One side largely is moved by wanting a system, a society, a government that is responsive to the situation and needs of the public. This has a number of aspects, from infrastructure, taking care of the environment, BLM, taking care of the 'least among us' &etc.

These folks...

These folks on "the other side"... Not sure what to call this other side. It is a collection of right wing people, some who are simply "members" by affiliation, by tradition, by location in the country...others by reasoned choice.
However they get there, a large % are like this.

Lets call this the Trumpian side, Trumper Cohort, since that is the current center around which these "73M" are organized.
Within this cohort, there are many who are simply "Republicans" by inertia. Their family has been so forever, and so they are too. In actual fact they

do not like what is being done in their name, wonder what happened to the party, but cannot imagine voting for a "Democrat", no more than the feud over Ford vs Chevy would resolve in welcoming in the other 'team'.
These don't really know or und what a "Democrat" is these days,
When (if) the full story of Jan6 ever comes out I predict it will have multiple levels of intention and complicity.
1/The "base" level of the mob reacting out of what they believe & has been taught & insinuated into them for years.
I think this chaos is the cover for

other levels that seem to have a much more clear, "calm" mission.
These are the people who are now utterly confused that what they were told turns out to not be true.
These people being disbarred from flying, or taken into custody, thinking they were just returning home, are

bearing the brunt of the response by the law enforcement system. They are the easiest to see, find, and catch.
They are the pawns. They are the Orcs in the Trumpian system...expendable. Useful. Necessary. But Expendable as the strategy & tactics require.

Who knows if these

people, so adamant in their emotional pumped up outrage will figure this out. For now, the fact that they are the ones being hauled in, the first ones facing the consequences of their actions, seems to be solidifying their martyr frame of mind. I suspect they feel a kinship

with Trump, who does nothing but proclaim himself a victim and a martyr. In this they get to feel even moreso that they are part of the righteous army, gods army, doing gods work.
And they will be used again and again as necessary for the other levels.

More from For later read

The common understanding of propaganda is that it is intended to brainwash the masses. Supposedly, people get exposed to the same message repeatedly and over time come to believe in whatever nonsense authoritarians want them to believe /1

And yet authoritarians often broadcast silly, unpersuasive propaganda.

Political scientist Haifeng Huang writes that the purpose of propaganda is not to brainwash people, but to instill fear in them /2

When people are bombarded with propaganda everywhere they look, they are reminded of the strength of the regime.

The vast amount of resources authoritarians spend to display their message in every corner of the public square is a costly demonstration of their power /3

In fact, the overt silliness of authoritarian propaganda is part of the point. Propaganda is designed to be silly so that people can instantly recognize it when they see it

Propaganda is intended to instill fear in people, not brainwash them.

The message is: You might not believe in pro-regime values or attitudes. But we will make sure you are too frightened to do anything about it.
I’ve asked Byers to clarify, but as I read this tweet, it seems that Bret Stephens included an unredacted use of the n-word in his column this week to make a point, and the column got spiked—maybe as a result?

Four times. The column used the n-word (in the context of a quote) four times.

For context: In 2019, a Times reporter was reprimanded for several incidents of racial insensitivity on a trip with high school students, including one in which he used the n-word in a discussion of racial slurs.

That incident became public late last month, and late last week, after 150 Times employees complained about how it had been handled, the reporter in question resigned.

In the course of all that, the Times' executive editor said that the paper does not "tolerate racist language regardless of intent.” This was the quote that Bret Stephens was pushing back against in his column. (Which, again, was deep-sixed by the paper.)
I’ve been frustrated by the tweets I’ve seen of this as a Canadian. Because the facts are being misrepresented.

We’re not under some sort of major persecution. That’s not what this is. A thread. 1/8

This church was fined for breaking health orders in Dec. They continued to break them. So the pastor was arrested and released on conditions of... you guessed it, not breaking health orders. And then they broke the health orders. 2/8

So then he was arrested and told he couldn’t hold church services in person if he was to be released. He refused. He’s still in custody.

Here is my frustration as a Christian in Canada:

1. They were able to gather, with some conditions. They didn’t like those. 3/8

2. He is not actually unable to preach. He is just unable to hold church services because they broke the conditions given by the public health office in Alberta. He says he can’t in good conscience do that, so they are keeping him in jail (because he will break the law). 4/8

3. This is the 1st article of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: “guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” 5/8

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