“Kiki no go fuck?” – This was the response of one tweeter user to another who showed surprise that the popular Twitter feminist watches porn after her account was spotted liking a porn video.

The question has since gone viral and has become popular catchphrase among twitter users. The surprise showed by the twitter user is not unconnected with the supernatural expectations people have of celebrities and other famous persons.
They are expected to live up to a code of conduct in which everyone is both judge and jury. It doesn’t matter if they are academically sound or not, they are expected to be knowledgeable in all things.
They are expected to speak in a particular way – polished. They are expected to dress perfectly – perfection to be determined by every other person. They are expected to be sensitive enough to understand the historical context of a word in 1748 that makes it offensive in 2020....
... so as not to come off racist.

Their marriages are expected to duplicate the PDA of Michelle and Barack Obama while outlasting the existence of Rome.

I have never placed unrealistic expectations on celebrities and I think it is unfair for anyone to subject them to such. It puts much pressure on them. They never signed up for it. Fame can be overwhelming.
One moment, you are anonymous and next moment, 3 million people monitor your every move, making you subject to the court of public opinion. It is pertinent you know that these celebrities are everyday people - they snore, they forget to wash their hands, .....
...... they laugh like fools, they get depressed, they face midlife crisis, they are the idiots in their circle of friends who make everyone laugh. Unfortunately, fame has beset them with a responsibility to keep up appearances to please fans who adore or loathe them.
In 2005, I read an interview of Ramsey Noah on a gossip magazine, City People, where he talked about how he farts at home to the annoyance of his wife who tease him with the fact that the public don’t know this is who he is at home, meanwhile they fawn over the man on screen.
Humanity! This is Ramsey the man, the one on the screen is a character.

In JSS 3, I read the autobiography of Dwayne Johnson and he wrote that, due to the crowd that waits outside his house, he leaves very early in the morning and sneaks in very late at night...
... to beat the crowd's arrival because the attention can be overwhelming and you can’t please everybody – a sentiment echoed by Ramsey who said he has to put on face cap and glasses to disguise because everyone wants to say Hi and take pictures meanwhile he just wants....
.... to enjoy the moment with family which is the time he has before he dashes off to set. They easily could be called rude for turning down pictures with a fan but what people don’t get is, many fans want same thing but they can’t attend to everyone.
They deserve to live too. They could be in a rush, they might not be in the mood, they could be having a bad day. To bring it into perspective, this is their everyday life.
It is an open secret that my favourite celebrity is Chimamanda Adichie. Do I want to get to know her? No, I don’t. Would I like to meet her? Definitely and I hope to have a good dress day so I could take a picture for my sitting room and office.
I don’t expect the convo to go beyond pleasantries. I rather she reads somewhere, how much I cherish her works. Some people exist better in abstract – I think that of celebrities. They might not turn out to be who you have imagined them to be when you come closer and that is okay
In the movie, The Fault in Our Stars, the young lovers set out to meet a mutually loved writer in Amsterdam, only to be shocked to meet an arrogant and recalcitrant fellow who couldn’t be bothered that two teenagers flew from the US to show their admiration.
I watched that scene with an unabashed grin because to be fair, the book is never the same as the writer. Art is imaginative but people are real.

People condemn celebrities and accused them of failing as role models while advising them on how to behave.
You picked them. They didn’t pick you. If you choose to model your life after someone, all you have to do is follow, not dictate for them how to live. The truth is, they are just living and being who they are. You are just the self-appointed judge.
If you have to police their life style, you probably don’t need them as role models as you already know how to live your life

Our relationship with celebrities often times appear to be like choosing to be in romantic relationship with someone without getting to know them better
It is unfair to them because you denied them the opportunity to show you who they are and thus, you find yourself judging them based on who you expect them to be.
So yes, Kiki watches porn and that is okay. Ramsey farts like a fool and that is okay. Chimamanda probably chews her nails and cracks boring jokes and that is okay. Your favourite musician is probably a wallflower and that is okay.
They are first humans before celebrities. They never signed up for role modelling. You should render to them the courtesy you render to others and expect others to give you without fear of judgement.
Are you guilty of putting unrealistic pressures on celebrities? Do you think you can handle fame well?

Christmas is on the horizon and I still haven’t figured out a plan yet. I hope you do have a very merry Christmas and may your selfie always be at the right angle.
Peace, love and spaghetti ✌️

More from For later read

Humans inherently like the act of solidarity. We are social beings. We like to huddle up and be together.
They used this against us.
They convinced us that it was an act of solidarity to flatten the curve, to wear a mask for others, to take the vaccines for others,

and to reach #covidzero for others. They convinced us that this was for the greater good of society.
In reality, this couldn't be further away from the truth. They have divided us and broken the core structure of our society. They have dehumanized us with their masks.

They set us against each other into clans on opposite sides of a spectrum. They have turned us into aggressive beings fighting for our survival. Some of us fear harm from the virus, others fear harm from the vaccine, and yet others fear harm from the attack on our civilization.

We are all on a flight or fight mode. We are all operating under the influence of fear. We must collect ourselves and reflect on what has happened over the last year.
How is this for the greater good of society?

They used a tactical warfare strategy against us.
'Divide and conquer'.
We fell for it.
Now we must become aware of it and fight back.
We must reunite. We must find true solidarity to save our world. To free ourselves. To regain our autonomy.
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Planet Money on HP's myriad ripoffs; Strength in numbers; and more!

Archived at:



On Feb 22, I'm delivering a keynote address for the NISO Plus conference, "The day of the comet: what trustbusting means for digital manipulation."


Planet Money on HP's myriad ripoffs: Ink-stained wretches of the world, unite!


Strength in numbers: The crisis in accounting.


#15yrsago Bad Samaritan family won’t return found expensive camera

#10yrsago What does Libyan revolution mean for


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