Breakdown of the offers that have been scaled past the 1,000 buyers per day


=== THREAD ===

If you are a marketer, an entrepreneur, or sinply sombody that is selling something (not necessarily online), you CAN’T AFFORD to avoid reading this thread

It is packed with persuasion lessons and shows how this person was able to influence over 1,000 people PER DAY to buy it
So, for the first episode the subject is the sales letter of "The Incredible Sex Video Series."

Here’s the sales letter:

Without wasting time, let’s go over the page.
Let’s start with the headline.

The main emotion here is curiosity.

A mysterious doctor (dead over 100 years ago) did something so extraordinary that for everybody is considered almost impossible (over 2 million orgasms).
On top of that, his manuscript was “Mysteriously Vanished” for over a century until now (🤣🤣).

Even the greatest playboy would be curious about how the fuck he managed to do this.

Don't tell me you wouldn't
It starts in medias res (in the middle of the story).

Notice how the story is captivating. You can clearly see the scene in your head thanks to the perfect choice of words.

“Butterfly Technique” gives a feeling of curiosity and authority --
anyone who reads this thing would be curious on what the heck this technique is and how it’s so powerful.

PLUS a woman’s point of view is different from a man’s one. It is clearly more believable, cause the man could be bragging about something that didn’t happen.
The main pain point is being ashamed of not being able to make a girl come, so what she is selling is the CONFIDENCE of being able to please every single woman on command.

So she promises she’s about to give the reader the secret technique to do it.
Now this is REALLY powerful. She’s selling revenge.

Everyone who has been humiliated by someone wants revenge, ESPECIALLY when we’re talking about sexual experiences.

After the bad stuff, she flips it over and gives them a vision -- how would it feel if it went the other way?
She keeps magnifying the promise.

How it will change your woman’s sexual life -- and she will literally WORSHIP you.

This way she isn’t sinply selling “how you can give pleasure to your woman”, but she’s selling ATTENTION and EXCLUSIVITY. Much more powerful.
She addresses all the objections any reader could have.

It is basically fool proof.

Everybody who has two hands can do it. Even if you DONT have a cock.

This gives hope even to the most desperate readers.
She addresses the authority part and stresses the fact that - despite she’s an expert and she thought she knew it all - this technique still shocked her.

If this shocked EVEN AN EXPERT... it's gotta be something hot, right?
Crazy story about how this Doctor apparently found the cure to an old problem (hysteria), but with an alternative “unorthodox” method

--> alternative methods by an underground (nobody trusted him at the beginning) are LOVED by people
Continues the story of the doctor and how he made A FORTUNE with his methods

--> this reinforces the authority since he used the methods on tens of thousands of women.

.. he had a serious health problem to his hands, so he was FORCED to stop with practising his methods.

But he casually invented the vibrator (keeps reinforcing authority. If he invented something that is used till today, it means the story is true, hence the methods work).
And that’s why he stopped using this secret technique that, later in his life, he decided to write in his notebook to make sure it won’t be lost forever.

So, let’s recap: she closes the loop he opened with the title.
Obv the story ISN’T 100% real, let’s call it plausible.

But she makes an amazing job tying it with things that happened really.
Clears also the “why can’t you perform it on yourself” objection, making youfeel even more exclusive (if youdont do it, nobody will).

Plus she tells of when she first tried it, reinforcing the concept that it’s REALLY powerful and creating a new vision.
Here's how the product was born.

→ Social proof.
Lots of people used it and were amazed by it. So amazed that they offered lots of money to teach it, etc.

She renews the promises made at the beginning, creating a deep burning desire in the reader.
And that brings to YOU.

You you you you you you you you you you.

You can NEVER repeat this word enough in your copy.

So are you ready to do all these fantastic things?
Is your desire fucking burning?
I know it is.

Notice how she gets you to say yes in your head multiple times.
This way you will be prone to say yes even when she asks you to buy it.

Subtle but very powerful.
Introducing the bullets.

Super important.
A single bullet point could sparkle the curiosity of your reader so much that it could turn him from a no to a “fuck yes”.

And, personally, they are one of the most fun things to write.

Look how they make you WANT to know more
For example (I won't analyze all of them):

All the women make fun of the men who can’t find the clit.

How couldn’t you be extremely intrigued by this bullet?

Plus, tying it to Robin Hood, she makes it really funny.
"Lesbian-Only" --> BRILLIANT.

Lesbian should necessarily know this topic (in the mind of people) more about men.

Second part: very well justified FOMO
After promising all these things, she hasn’t even begun to scratch the surface.

It makes people perceive an insane value.

"There are so many things that it will for sure cost a fuckton of money" (--> objection addressed later).

Only $99.95 for this insane value??

And it’s even discounted?

It’s an IRRESISTIBLE offer.

How could you say no?

I wouldn’t be amazed if the majority of the people clicked this and didn’t scroll further.

He already addressed all the main objections and a good part of the readers should already by hot
The main principle behid DR is to make people act RN, not later.

Reasons to act now:

1. Urgency: the discount won’t last very long (powerful metaphor with a Rolls Royce)
2. Guarantee: it’s GUARANTEED that you will become a better lover, what should you worry about?
3. Promise: otherwise you won’t ever be the perfect lover

Notice how she makes the checkout easy, secure and fast.

It’s very important that you think of you reader as an idiot, you gotta explain EVERYTHING.

Perceived values goes THROUGH THE FUCKIN ROOF.

For just $70? Bargain of the century
Again, incredible bargain + ANOTHER powerful vision.

Notice the choice of words.

Show don’t tell.

Conceptual vs Experiential.
Gives the reader security.

256-bit encryption. You can receive it fast. You are completely anonymous.
You won’t receive anything in your mail (yep, people fear also these things..)


All the potential objections? Blown away.
The rest of the letter is just describing all the bonuses and super-bonuses (that make the perceived value increase dramatically) and repeating how it's a unique bargain and it's 100% secure.
Hope you liked it and got valuable and useful lessons that you can apply to your business TODAY.

Sam Pellegrino is out.

*drops the mic*

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