Think slow, work fast.

A thread on entrepreneurship and what folks don't understand about opportunity.

It comes in waves.

Long periods of time are spent blocking and tackling and going through the motions.

Short periods of time can change your life.
Don't get me wrong, successful folks are consistent. They show up. They stay focused for years.

Ask them to point to a time period where they made most of their money and they'll direct you to a time span between 6 months and 2 years.

When the opportunity arose and they seized it.
They built something that continues to create value. They built an asset that continues to create cash.

They seized an opportunity and did work over a short period of time and they harvest the fruit for years or generations.
A successful career in entrepreneurship is a series of sprints.

You see the gazelle in the field. You chase and tackle the gazelle. And you bring it back to camp and feed your family.

Then you lay on a rock for a few days.
The key to life is to give yourself chances.

Chances to chase that gazelle in the field.

Enough chances where even if you miss it, you gain the knowledge to know how to get it home next time.
The problem with the traditional career:

Owners keep you sprinting and sprinting and sprinting.

And when you don't catch anything...

They give you just enough of what someone else caught to keep you from starving so you can hunt again tomorrow.
And when you catch something that can feed the pride for years....

You hand it off to someone else.

And they give you just enough to keep you from starving so you can hunt again tomorrow.
And the rest goes to changing someone else's life.

So you spend a lot of time hunting and not very much time sitting on a rock.
The hard part:

Not relying on somebody else to bring you the food.

And knowing how to hunt well enough that you can feed your family before you starve to death.
And putting yourself in a position, over time, to chase down and kill that massive gazelle that can pay you and feed you for generations.

So you can start chasing down gazelles for the thrill of it or to make the world a better place.

Or spend your time sitting on rocks.

More from Nick Huber

How to get smarter very fast:

Interact with smart people here on Twitter who have different world-views than you do.

And let them change your mind on something.

Here are the 30 people you should follow (along with my favorite tweet from each)👇👇

Twitter can be terrible if you follow negative people.

It can also be more valuable than a college degree if you follow (and network with) the right people.

You get to look right into their brain and read a daily narrative of HOW they think.

Ok lets go:

#1: @ShaanVP

You know he's all about venture capital based entrepreneurship. I'm about small (non-sexy) business. We disagree on a lot of stuff.

But he's done it and he's won. Bonus follow: @theSamParr (@myfirstmilpod podcast

#2: @fortworthchris

He is where I want to be in 15 years. Has built a massive real estate private equity firm from the ground up. Super grounded with what the way he does business and his podcast @theFORTpodcast is top

#3: @Julian

I'm a scattered thinker and procrastinator.

Julian is a master of clear thinking and simple but effective writing. A world class example of content marketing and

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