THREAD - (Short term Options)

Many of the messages I get regarding options are referencing outside the money (OTM) calls w/ expirations a week or two out (or less)

It's no wonder these traders are often very concerned (even frantic) about the outcome of their trades.

Unless you are an expert technician, and/or have serious market knowledge and intuitive skills, I recommend buying *at least* a month or two of time, and not holding through an earnings report unless you've trimmed your position at a significant profit, or are playing LEAPS.
(LEAPS = Long-term Equity Anticipation Securities
a.k.a. Long term options typically w/ an expiration of longer than a year)

While playing OTM weekly options has the potential for huge returns, & will undoubtedly get your adrenaline pumping, it's also an easy way to lose your💰
*IF* you insist on playing OTM weeklies, be very cognizant of your position sizing.

Each trade should be a *very* small percentage of your account, and you should assume that every trade you make is going to zero.
However, you don't need to play short-term options to make *serious* money over time...

You can still make massive returns on options that have expirations that are 2+ months, even 2+ years out without taking on so much immediate risk.
I can't count the number of times I've seen LEAPS go 1000-2000% over the period of a few months, sometimes a few days/weeks.

Once you take the time to fully understand the power of compounding, you'll be much less likely to want to trade vehicles with extremely high risk.
In the end, it comes down to your system, and how your personality fits into that. There are some heavy hitters that do well playing far OTM weeklies, but the very few who are consistently successful doing this have significant experience, & watch position sizing very carefully.
Personally, moving away from weekly options was one of the best moves I have made in my career.

When I started placing more focus on consistency, protecting my capital, and compounding my money instead of hitting home runs, my account grew exponentially faster 📈
This thread is meant to be food for thought, particularly for those who are just getting into options, or thinking about it.

Options can be very lucrative, but it's good to start slow and gain a comfort level with how and why they move.
Hope this helps a few of you. Cheers ✨

More from Economy

On Jan 6, 2021, the always stellar Mr @deepakshenoy tweeted, this:

Innocuous 1 sentence, but its a full economic theory at play.
Let me break it down for you. (1/n)

On September 30, 2020, I wrote an article for @CFASocietyIndia where I explained that RBI is all set to lose its ability to set interest rates if it continues to fiddle with the exchange rate (2/n)

What do I mean, "fiddle with the exchange rate"?

In essence, if RBI opts and continues to manage exchange rate, then that is "fiddling with the exchange rate"

RBI has done that in the past and has restarted it in 2020 - very explicitly. (3/n)

First in March 2020, it opened a Dollar/INR swap of $2B with far leg to be unwound in September 2020.

Implying INR will be bought from the open markets in order to prevent INR from falling vis a vis USD (4/n)

The Second aspect is now, that dollar inflow is happening, and the forex reserves swelled -> implying the rupee is appreciating, RBI again intervened from September, by selling INR in spot markets. (5/n)

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