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If wanting to be heard is one side of coin, the other side is being willing to listen. The two are inextricably connected. When convinced that no one _ especially those in place of power & privilege is really paying attention to our protests & demands we will be less...1/15

inclined to listen to others, particularly to people whose views differ from ours. Communication across the culture & ideological spectrum will falter &, eventually, crumble. And when communication is broken, coexistence, inclusion & social harmony will also be damaged. 2/15

In other words if perpetuated & made routine, the feeling of being systematically unheard will slowly, gradually, seal our ears, & then seal our hearts. In retracting our willingness to listen to others, we ensure that they too feel unheard. And the cycle continues.. 3/15

worsening every time it revolves.
The moment we stop listening to diverse opinions is also when we stop learning. Because the truth is we don't learn much from same_ness & monotony. We usually learn from differences. 4/15

In life most of what we have come to understand throughout the years we have acquired by interacting dis_similar & often challenging views, & by encountering information, criticism & knowledge hitherto unfamiliar to us & then processing these internally growing.. 5/15
This is SUCH a good essay.

My favorite part about it, I think, is that it's about asking the right questions rather than pretending to have all the answers. You'd think that ML people would default to that stance, but more often than not they don't.

"This dynamic of learning—through examples/trials/errors/corrections—has been intentionally designed to mimic human cognition. Yet amidst the hype of AI, we seem to continually forget—or neglect—the outsized and active role that other people play in early childhood development."

(punctuation of above quote edited to get it under 280 characters)

The thing that fascinates me most about ML is that we want AI to be an angel, essentially--inhuman in its perfection but human in its compassion. Like us enough to care about us but without any of our flaws.

(Amid so many stories of the flawless, terrible logic of AI leading to impartial cruelty, I think here of the show Person of Interest, which is ultimately all about a god-tier AI that refuses to be inhuman even when its maker insists it should, because it sees him as its father.)
🔔 #2021Dyl_MCharts - WEEK 2! 🎵

✨ A quick summary of audience of tracks, artists and labels included in the thread below.
✨ Based on tracks released between Jan 11 and Jan 17.

🔧 Date of data collection: Today (Jan 25) #EDM

- Week 2 | Personal favorites -

✨ Aspyer - Symphony [STMPD]
✨ Mo Falk - I'm Back [HEXAGON]
✨ Julian Jordan - Big Bad Bass [STMPD]

- Week 2 | Tracks | YouTube Views -

🥇 Aspyer - Symphony [STMPD] (91.5k views)
🥈 TYNAN, Ace Aura - Stay [Monstercat] (74.2k views)
🥉 Julian Jordan - Big Bad Bass [STMPD] (62.5 views)

- In 2021 | Tracks | YouTube Views -

🥇 Arlow & Shiah Maisel - 21 [NCS] (811k views)
🥈 Castion - Banger Machine [NCS] (701k views)
🥉 deadmau5 & Wolfgang Gartner - Channel 43 [mau5trap] (575k views)

- Week 2 | Tracks | (Plays, Unique Supports) -

🥇 Mo Falk - I'm Back [HEXAGON] (29x, 27x)
🥈 "Symphony" & "Big Bad Bass" [STMPD] (24x, 22x)
🥉 TYNAN, Ace Aura - Stay [Monstercat] (9x, 4x)
1/ This piece argues based on a precedent set by Thomas Jefferson in 1800 that VP Pence should present & count only the alternate unofficial slates of electoral votes from states like PA when Congress meets in joint session to count electoral votes on Jan. 6. The argument fails.

2/ Jefferson, as VP, presided over the joint session where electoral votes from the Election of 1800 were counted. Georgia's votes suffered from several technical procedural defects that were facially apparent.

3/ As presiding officer, Jefferson had the contestable votes counted w/o giving members of Congress a chance to object. This is allegedly a precedent for allowing Pence to unilaterally count whatever slates of electoral votes he wants. But the analogy fails for many reasons.

4/ For more details of the underlying facts, see an article specifically on this incident by David Fontana & Bruce Ackerman, "Thomas Jefferson Counts Himself into the Presidency,"

5/ First, the Jefferson precedent occurred decades before Congress enacted the Electoral Count Act ("ECA"), which regulates the process of counting electoral votes - including many aspects of the VP's role. Congress has limited the VP's discretion since the election of 1800.