There was a newsweek article that was posted in multiple telegram groups (Wethemedia and 432hrtz), Bruno made a gab posts about Thomas Wictor analysis on

I suggest u read it yourself with fresh look and make your own search (both article and brunos posts of Thomas Wictor)

Article was from 18 march 2020

I tried to look at it and got on some interesting findings
In no way i’m suggesting that it is “right” or wrong path, but for me it was interesting. As always there perhaps multiple layers to it and different paths

So..where did i go with it?

Inside an article i found a specific line that somehow got my and not only mine attention
Tried to use maximum autism and go on a rabbithole journey with it

Again...i might go wrong way on this (as many other times i tried research such cryptic stuff and drops), but still interdasting
I went on his wiki.
Outstanding career. Got a legion of merit award (wiki : on back of all medals motto of Great Seal of United States - "ANNUIT COEPTIS" ("He [God] has favored our undertakings")
Until retirement he was Commander, USNORTHCOM; Commander, NORAD
But what rly got my attention is his education
Many military ppl learn all there career. Last his taken course was PINNACLE.what’s this?
If u been reading drops of our favorite alphabet letter, u probably heard a lot chatter about keystone and what is it

I was intrigued enough to continue
Cant tell how long it took me there looking. Get a look for yourself. Couple tips
1)U can find out that this course requires top secret clearance to attend
2)all lecturers are 3-4 star generals. Imagine going to university where all your study professors are general flynns. That is probably as high as it can get

and u know who is also a fellow there ?(assuming ppl from list are reading lectures)
Adm Mike Rodgers.....
from roster
The most probably interesting that i fount there was in the course materials a course that requires top secret clearance there are some free materials :):):::):):):):):):):)

Open file called “Insights and Best Practices: Joint Operations”
Is this a dream? Am i dreaming?
Date of first drop? Nov 2017?
J7? J=10? 10+7=17?
Lets look what is inside….


enhance the readiness of their formations. Shall we?)))
Guys….this is a PhD level war strategy...just loook!!!!!!!!!
It is for commanders of not just 1 military branch, but for those who supervise ALL of it + economic + political fields. It is writen in it!

Lets look for the table of contents...chapter 17…..INTELLIGENCE
Military document...with 17 chapter on intelligence...does it make it….military intelligence?????

How….many...coincedences….jesus….. Christ…
Look at documents browser line

Version of document 2018 07 31

Drops from that date...LOOOK YOURSELF!
DROP number 1776 is from that day!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD
And then...after that

Look at that document end of line in browser again

What is this last number???? 577 ?
What is in drop?

I…….i…… wat a……..
@threadreaderapp unroll please sir

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OK. Chapter 7 of Book 4 of #WealthOfNations is tough going. It's long. It's serious. It's all about colonies.

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Always. No, your company is not an exception.

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