EVERYONE needs to read this. Stay informed. Scary times we're in. Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota (plus other States, as of morning of 12/10/20 - 21 STATES so far) file suit at the Supreme Court

charging Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia for unlawful elections which violate the US Constitution.

Source who works for the Pentagon confirms: “Soon, Trump will take over the National Broadcast System...Listen and follow Instructions...Don't Panic...
Our Military, Law Enforcement and other Great Patriots got this. We will Prevail...Trump 2020.”

China has purchased 130k ACRES of land near Laughlin AFB (even the MSM is confirming this). Chinese spies have been identified IN CONGRESS.
Chinese Parcel Services have been confirmed being received at election centers in US. Chinese leaders have bragged this week of their influence and control in American politics.
Biden has been confirmed as tied to CCP as well as many high-level US Officials including GA’s Gov Kemp.

In 2017 a video shows POTUS stating in Oval Office “a storm is coming.”

Yesterday and today the 82nd Airborne posted in 2 separate social media posts...
1.) “A Storm is coming. #CombatReady.” 2.) “Final preparations today for Devil Storm... The morning started with the Combined Arms Rehearsal (CAR) - the Brigade walk-through of the planned operation, during which Company/Battery/Troop commanders, along with sustainment leaders,
brief the team on the base plan of executing the mission. The day closes out with Sustained Airborne Training (SAT) for all Paratroopers who will be jumping into the fight.

The Storm is upon us...watch it unfold this week!

#StrikeHold #AATW #DIBP #DevilStorm”
Intel points to potential martial law being declared by or on December 14th.

Intel is overwhelming that high-ranking Democrats AND Republicans have conspired and acted in conjunction with the CCP to steal the 2020 election and that the CCP is attempting to
overthrow our government and instill Communism.

MILITARY AND NAVAL MOVEMENTS: Over the past four days, there have been MASSIVE movements of troops, equipment and supplies WITHIN the continental United States (CONUS).
Today (Tue.), the US Navy is positioning Aircraft carriers and their strike groups off both the US east and west coasts. It appears we are preparing to defend ourselves from an invasion. China?
Late Saturday, no fewer than 25 C-17 aircraft were in the skies over the USA, carrying troops and equipment from around the nation . . . ALL going to Nellis Air Force Base. Also late Saturday, no fewer than 12 C-130 aircraft were also on the move, ALSO ALL heading into Nellis.
On Sunday, locals on and around Nellis reported the base was "swarming" with soldiers and Marines. They also reported seeing a vast array of land fighting vehicles coming out of cargo aircraft.
This morning, according the the US Naval Institute, the Navy has deployed THREE (3) Aircraft Carriers, plus a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) off the US West Coast, and TWO (2) Aircraft carriers and their Strike Groups plus another LHD off the US East Coast.
Off the West Coast is the USS Carl Vinson in the Pacific (NOT AT PORT) along the Oregon/Washington Border, the USS Essex (LHD) off the coast of San Francisco, and the USS Theodore Roosevelt and its Strike Group off the coast of Los Angeles . . .
Off the East Coast are the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower off the Coast of Connecticut, the USS Gerald R. Ford off the coast of New Jersey, and the USS Iwo Jima off the coast of South Carolina . . .
The map below lays out the approximate location of the vessels: Given these new naval deployments, and the very large, sudden, movement of troops into Nellis AFB, one gets the impression that the United States is preparing to defend its homeland from actual invasion.
Have enough supplies for the next two weeks. Have Faith! Trumps got this and we are seeing the best coming.


More from MammaOzzy+++

Electors in 7 States Cast Dueling Votes for Trump
“Democrats successfully executed the same gambit in Hawaii in 1960 by casting an alternative set of votes for John F. Kennedy after the state’s governor certified the electors for Richard

Pennsylvania Republicans Ask Supreme Court to Again Review Election Lawsuit

Armstrong Williams reads Undisclosed Memo Explaining How DJT Wins Presidency on January 6th! (303K Views in 24 hours)
Start at 3:58

Facts Matter Epoch Times:
4:50 Start, Chinese “Fact” checkers!
8:29 Wisconson
15:21 Dueling electors
Sky News EXCLUSIVE: Facebook’s ‘independent’ fact-checking certifier exposed as Hillary Clinton

CONTACT YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS and demand they join this suit:

Pennsylvania ‘Flagrantly Violated’ Laws Ahead of Election: Ken

More from Court

1/It seems apparent that the rulings in my case & was the Travis judiciary has allowed/ignored us related to the fear/coercion of #AlexJones and of his audience and employees who harassJudges & jurors.

.@FBI pls investigate the 3.07 violations, donations & defamation/slander..

2/I am aware that such coercion & perception has had real impact on my children’s lives & these cases Alex files against me.

Alex’s counsel has threatened me “accidentally” & tells my representation & others lies to coerce them to stay on team good-ol-boy$.

3/Why doesn’t the Court protect my kids? I filed a Temporary Restraining Order before the Thanksgiving that any judge should immediately grant: #AlexJones publicly intoxicated/getting wasted while he is enjoined (disallowed to) drink while he has my kids. The Court must fear him

4/No judge may be persuaded by coercion or benefits of ruling the way their main donors demand. No litigant can coerce judges or witnesses. Witness tampering very clear, documented by probative evidence as fraud in Alex’s lawsuits against me. .@fbi investigate pls

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Oh my Goodness!!!

I might have a panic attack due to excitement!!

Read this thread to the end...I just had an epiphany and my mind is blown. Actually, more than blown. More like OBLITERATED! This is the thing! This is the thing that will blow the entire thing out of the water!

Has this man been concealing his true identity?

Is this man a supposed 'dead' Seal Team Six soldier?

Witness protection to be kept safe until the right moment when all will be revealed?!

Who ELSE is alive that may have faked their death/gone into witness protection?

Were "golden tickets" inside the envelopes??

Are these "golden tickets" going to lead to their ultimate undoing?

Review crumbs on the board re: 'gold'.

#SEALTeam6 Trump re-tweeted this.