Americas problem with racism has been supported by the ingrained bigotry of Christianity against indigenous non-Christian, primarily polytheistic/pagan cultures globally for centuries. That ingrained bigotry is now joined in America by an even more intolerant religion, Islam.

Today, as America tries to address racism, Christian churches in America of every denomination spend billions in “missionary” efforts to target, demonize & attack non-Christian indigenous populations in all foreign nations. They’re joined by Islamic organizations advancing Islam.
India, being the most ancient polytheistic/pagan culture still surviving that Christianity & Islam have not yet succeeded in destroying, is their primary target. The next time you see American media targeting India & its majority Hindu population, think about the source & why.
Today, in their continued effort to destroy India’s ancient Dharmic culture, Christians even ally with Islam, another Abrahamic religion that harbors severe hatred for polytheistic/pagan cultures. Together in India these two religions demonize and target Hindus for conversion.
This makes the Democrats a hotbed of religious bigotry & hate. Islam has made its political home in America with Democrats. Americans are being intentionally misled & lied to about Islam as the Democrats help advance this religion in our nation without considering consequences.
Both Christianity & Islam are supported in their continuing assault on India’s native Dharmic culture by western media & politicians of both Christian & Islamic faith. This extends across both sides of the political divide so includes Democrats & Republicans.
So I ask you my fellow Americans, think about what our nation is doing. As you focus on racism, recognize our nation was founded on racist & bigoted Christian imperialism that committed genocide against Native Americans.
America today targets all non-Christian nations with the same supremacist religiously bigoted mindset. Wealthy Globalists advancing their own agenda are more than happy to support this racism & religious bigotry to their own ends.
Be aware of what is happening and demand change.
If your Christian or Muslim and don’t agree with this hate campaign targeted at India, speak to your churches, speak to your mosques. Demand they stop funding their hate campaigns against Hinduism & all of the surviving polytheistic/pagan cultures of our world.
End the religious bigotry and hate that your religions foster in our world. Demand they reform their ways and their religious texts that teach this hatred for the polytheistic/pagan cultures of our world who existed on our planet long before these Abrahamic religions arrived.

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