Dear online vendors,

I personally would like to address certain concerns as regards how you do business, your customer relations and interactions as I would also want to assume that many of you reading this have little to no business experience/ training whatsoever.

Frist, even the Bible in Luke 14:28 says

"New International Version"

"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?

It is only sane that anyone venturing into business, first would
Sit and count its cost. Which includes capital, consumers needs, services needed, location e.t.c when it comes to offline businesses. However, I have noticed that a lot of people venture into online businesses (Buying and selling to be clear) without proper mentoring nor prior
Knowledge as to what it really entails; as time and time again I have had to address concerns which in most cases are amateur business concerns that shouldn't even be apart of the discussion to start with. Concerns like "Availablity" which is what I will focus this lecture on.
Yes! This is a lecture and you're my student. If you are offended feel free to leave the class now. It's free so I'm allowed to do shakara.

I would like to note that in business, 1 year - 2 year old businesses cannot be termed as "successful" until they exceed the 3year mark.
Also I believe the desire to make money is the driving force of most online businesses than the desire to meet a need and if the foundation be destroyed, what can the "sinner" do? So a lot of you are in business because of what you think you can get out of it rather than what you
Are willing to offer. Don't get me wrong, money is important and everyone wants to make money but if that's the drive, then I suggest you close down and go do something else that can bring quick money like "Yahoo yahoo". Lol just kidding 😉
I always tell my clients that in business, your connections are way more important than even your products. Everyone can get good products but not everyone has a trusted and reliable customer base. So I always advice that your first 6 months in business should not be targeted
At making huge sales (that's an amateur move) rather it should be targeted at building quality and firm connections (customer base)this is the "Kiss ass" stage where you do everything to impress your client which includes quality services, timely delivery and impressive follow up
"Lemme gloat a little "I am not reading this from anywhere as business strategy comes naturally to me i don tey for this game.

Oh! Before I get too into myself need I remind you that.
"I have this wristwatch plug, her name is Uduak she has amazing products and is timely too" has sold more markets than One million "We are open for business" posts.

Referrals in business is key. Here's a quote I formulated in 2018 feel free apply it.
"A happy customer brings two potential customers", two potential customers potentially become happy customers".

It is somewhat encouraging to have your friends patronize you which is a huge boost and a sigh of support to your business, I really do think differently of it.
I believe constructive criticism is the bedrock of any growing business as it allows you to know what you're doing right and what you are doing wrong and for a growing business, friends would not give you that. Strangers have no obligated responsibility not to hurt your feelings
So it's more valuable to get criticism from a stranger than a positive remark from your friends. I hope you're taking notes.

So back to the reason why I was angry and decided to put out this post. Earlier today, I needed to purchase a wristwatch a saw on a vendor's post.
I immediately contacted the vendor with arrangements as to how the modalities of delivery should go as the prices of the products were already displayed on it. If I may digress; I always advice vendors to always put the prices of your products included in your posts. Most vendors
would rather post beautiful pictures to attract you into their DM and then chase you away with the outrageous prices. I feel this is a waste of precious time and Data (also note the Data is the running cost of an online business, just as fuel is to your generator).
By posting the prices of your products, what that does is it ensures that almost everyone who Contacts you for a purchase is a serious buyer ( this always works).

It's save you the rigmarole of "oh it's too expensive" "mehn I thought it was cheaper" and you
Trying to convince them about the quality of the product. This is a total waste of your time.

I would try not to digress again.

So I sent him a Message on whatsapp and to my surprise it took him 12hours to give a response to my message even after reading it. Now this implies
2 things. First it's either he didn't have the product at hand and was using my time to work out the modalities of getting the products while wasting my time or two he was just non challant about his business. While I would like to believe my second assumption is wrong,
It brings me to state a very vital point.

Never post pictures of a product/products whose availability you do no have full control over.
Kamsi ™

Omo I'm too good jare. Okay moving on students, please take note of the above point as it has ruined so many businesses.
It is quite simple, if the products are not in your custody how can you guarantee the authenticity of its quality? By word of mouth? Or by saying Chima will always come through? It's important that in order to build credibility you must be sure of your products before advertising
So he responded to me later with an excuse that he had a busy day and has no light and some other excuses upon excuses which I wasn't buying even if it were genuine. I am one who never tolerates excuses.

Since Covid-19 I have been working remotely (from home) as a Data analyst.
Also since I moved into my new place on the 2nd of January this year I have not had access to a generator as I have had to depend on PHCN power for a job I have to do almost 24/7 and it requires constant power. Do I tell my employers that I cannot work because there is no power?
Hell no! so I have to do what I need to do even if it's me going to a barbing saloon to cut my hair twice Daily just to have an opportunity to use their Gen to charge my laptop twice which guarantees me 18 hours work for that day ( I totally do this and it's still funny) lol.
An online vendor giving me that excuse is similar to Ebuka at Berger market telling me that he had to close his shop because he had to go eat lunch. Ebuka will never say such because Ebuka understands the value of timing in business. Buy a power bank, Hell! Buy ten power bankes🤣
for all I care just be sure your shop is always opened (you are always available). while I honestly feel that I have educated you too much for free I would like to close with this. Reliability, transparency, effectiveness, Customers prioritisation, hardwork and timliness
are the bedrock of any successful business enterprise. You have started small, be sure you started well and be open to learning. I wish you well in business and Incase you forgot I am a Business Analyst/Strategist and I specialise in helping start up thrive in a
competitive business environment with applicable business ideas to help you grow. DM or Chat me on WhatsApp 09093392457 for Mentorship and Bookings (it's not free but it's will be worth your time).

𝓐𝔂𝓲𝓷 𝓐𝓴𝔀𝓪 𝓘𝓫𝓸𝓶 ™

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