In 2021, I used to be a serial procrastinator.

Now I get 8 hours of work done in 4.

Read these 6 books to never procrastinate again:

1. Deep Work, Cal Newport

“Less mental clutter means more mental resources available for deep thinking.”
2. Building a Second Brain, @fortelabs

"It’s time to acknowledge that we can’t “use our head” to store everything we need to know and to outsource the job of remembering to intelligent machines."
@fortelabs 3. Atomic Habits, @JamesClear

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”
@fortelabs @JamesClear 4. The ONE Thing, Gary Keller

“Until my ONE Thing is done — everything else is a distraction.”
@fortelabs @JamesClear 5. Indistractable, @nireyal

“Being indistractable means striving to do what you say you will do."
@fortelabs @JamesClear @nireyal 6. Essentialism, @GregoryMcKeown

“Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life someone else will.”
@fortelabs @JamesClear @nireyal @GregoryMcKeown TL;DR

The books helped me conquer productivity and procrastination:
@fortelabs @JamesClear @nireyal @GregoryMcKeown If you enjoyed this thread (and my cool mousepad backdrop) retweet the first tweet below to help others.

Follow me @_SyedHuq to learn how to build an audience and streamline your productivity.

P.S. It's my birthday, let's get this post to the moon.

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