U.S. president-elect Joe Biden has indicated plans to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit via executive action on his first day in office, sources tell CBC News.

This weekend stakeholders have seen a longer list of Biden’s planned executive actions than what was publicly reported in a memo from incoming chief of staff Ron Klain.

That purported list includes a reference to cancelling Keystone XL on Day 1 — Wednesday.
Here is what the Biden transition team has publicly reported so far. From a memo by his Chief of Staff Ron Klain — that dozens of executive orders are planned in the first few days. https://t.co/gEi3qHJnD1

The Biden team has publicly /
/ publicly announced its intention to sign climate orders on Day 1 including rejoining the Paris accord

What hasn’t been publicly reported, and it’s apparently something the transition team has indicated in stakeholder briefings, is that an order to kill KXL is coming on Day 1
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney raises the prospect of legal action if Biden cancels KXL. https://t.co/rfBJevj7bt
This overview we did months ago about how a Biden presidency will affect 🇨🇦 could become reality as of Week 1 https://t.co/NEqVQ93AXU

It’s become clear Biden intends to bust out of the gate with a bunch of executive orders, several of which affect Canada
Wall Street Journal: The Biden team has refused to comment on our report on Keystone XL. Meanwhile, the Canadian company behind the project is promising the pipeline would be operated with renewables and with union labour https://t.co/5e37SxzHb1
Canada’s opposition Conservatives react to our report that the Biden team has told stakeholders it intends to cancel KXL on Day 1 of his presidency:

“If true, this move will devastate thousands of Canadian families.” Urges Trudeau to contact Biden ASAP to try stopping this
The presentation circulated by Biden’s team includes several promised Day 1 actions already announced in Ron Klain’s memo. It includes several additional ones not announced by Klain:

-Rescind Keystone XL permit

-Halt federal executions on Day 1

-Census executive order
Also: the Day 1 document indicates Biden also intends to immediately rescind Trump’s emergency proclamation justifying the Mexico border wall.
Here’s our story about how the fight over the Keystone XL pipeline became much bigger than about 600,000 barrels/day

A decade ago, a group of American environmental NGOs gathered in Minneapolis to plan a target for turning around the climate discussion https://t.co/PLkhqnzNe7
Following reports from us and others on Biden's intention to cancel KXL on Day 1, here's the early-day impact on the share price of TC Pipelines. From the Toronto exchange (US exchanges closed today)

More from Biden

President Biden is signing an Executive Order today that will put an end to the Keystone XL pipeline.

I’m sharing a few of the pieces I wrote re #NoKXL that shows how long my people have been fighting it. Water the Life giver was published by Indian Country Today in 2011.

I wrote KXL equals death in 2013 for Indian Country Today. Eventually, President Obama heeded our wishes & stopped the Keystone XL Pipeline. Trump revived it on one of his first days in office. Now Biden will revoke the permit. It’s been a long, hard fought battle. #NoKXL

Here is a spirit camp held in 2014 by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, offering prayers to stop the pipeline. #NoKXL

Our Tribes signed a treaty together United against Keystone XL.

The movement really got going when a small group of elders went out on a Reservation road and put their bodies in the path of trucks hauling construction equipment for the Keystone XL Pipeline. #NoKXL

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