if you do jaaps of mantras:
1. ensure you do them everyday at the same or similar time period
2. ensure you do them at the same place

the goal of a mantra is to awaken it and then empower it slowly and usually after a certain point you’ll get mantra-siddhi (attainment)

beginner’s mantras:

‘lam’ (100000 times) (weak mars)
‘om’ (the more you say this the better) (relief from stress)
‘hreem’ (800000 x4 times) (for awakening the goddess)
gayatri mantra (1000000 times) (weak sun)

also make sure you do the same amount everyday and if you do
-increase it, don’t go back to doing the lesser amount. it’s best to divide most beeja mantras within 21 days to even 2 months.

mantra siddhi is important because the mantra slowly infuses its essence into you and you become the mantra ❤️

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