Situations on ground are different.
I am on verge of giving up.

Please read this thread...

1. My village Rachur in Telangana had a Hoysala era "Chennakesava" Temple. Whose Murti desecrated by Hyd Sultans.

@LostTemple7 @punarutthana @LostTemple7

2. We could never find the *Chennakesava Murti" so Installed the Hanuman Vigraha of temple premises & made it Hanuma Devalayam with "Saptaham" celebrations.

The same temple complex had a beautiful Mandapa with Shiva Linga, Vinayaka & Nandi.

So we decided to built a Shiva Temple
3. Hindus are no more same Hindus or are interested in reviving their Heritage.

With great difficulty our village raised 20 lakh rupees and built the shiva temple.

But every donor is a politician who wants the things to be done according to his wishes, which is horrible.
4. For eg. My family decided to donate money for the "Dwara" of Garbha Griha, what ever it may cost.

But senior people were hell bent on getting a iron door frame done in some 25k.

My family was against this idea & wanted only "Teak" wooden door.
Instead of donating, we took up the work in to hands & got the Teak wooden door with copper plate covering which costed us 55K in total.
5. Anyways, they have installed iron sheet shed around the Grabha Griha spoiling the aesthetic look of temple.

And laid White & black tiles in the old temple on the existing antique rock floors & walls.

I have no words for the pain I went through. None was ready to listen.
6. My father gave an idea to appoint a Cleaning staff & Archaka and temple committee members will fund in shifts every month.

But that didn't work.

It ran only for two months and people gave up.

Temple was closed without cleaning or Pooja for 2 months.
7. Now we have appointed a lady to clean the temple & we will bear her expenses.

She is a widow & acid attack survivor.

We thought, she can be helped this way through temple.

People have problem even int his too.

They want their person to work but not ready to fund.
8. Coming to original point.

In villages, youth are least bothered about temples & devotion, they are busy with parties, alcohol & trips.

Only senior citizens are doing all this.

Now they have no money or energy to further take care of the temple or do development activities.
9. The youth of my village generates an amount of 50k to go on a Goa trip but not atleast 1K for the temple.

They think its the duty of senior citizens, youth has no role to play.
10. Since my family is funding the cleaning activites, now Archaka is a great problem.

The only way we have now is to enlist the temple in to "endowments department". So that atleast the Archaka gets monthly salary and Pooja is done daily.
11. We made multiple requests to local MLA to include the temple in endowments dept. Bu none is interested because this temple do not generate as much income as they eye.

That's how it works. The more a temple generates the income, the sooner it gets enlisted in endowments dept.
12. One side we are all fighting to free Hindu temples.

Other side, temples are suffering with crunch of maintenence costs.

So, no option but beg endowment dept to enlist the temple. Which will not be done so easily. @ShefVaidya
13. Imagine how difficult it is on ground to do all this & the reason is "Hindus"

They are least bothered.

99.9% of my village populace is Hindu.

They have money for everything except Dharmic activities.
Just for donating 100 Rs. They want their names etched with golden letters on temple walls.
14. Today because of our dhimminess, we again are begging reluctant Govts to fund/ enlist them in endowment departments from whom we are fighting to free the Rich temples, whose income is taken away by same.

So contrast to what we think & what happens.

"Hindus are to Blame"

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... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: /

Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: /

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