SIP (Trick) of 1% of the Home Loan amount.

Many call it the SIP trick to compensate for home loan interest.

What exactly is it?

Here is the thread🧵that tries to explain this simple idea 👇👇


Suppose you take a Rs 50 lakh home loan at 8.5% for 20 years. Your EMI will be Rs 43,391 per month. The total interest you pay to the bank will be Rs 54-55 lakh.

So in total, and including principal repayment of Rs 50 lakh as well, you pay the bank Rs 1.05 Cr in 20 years

Now let’s see what is this so-called 1% SIP trick for Home Loans

You start a SIP for the same tenure as your home loan (20 years). The home loan is Rs 50 lakh.

So SIP of 1% of the home loan amount, comes to Rs 50,000 (i.e. 1% of Rs 50 lakh). This is the annual SIP amount.

Converting this annual investment of Rs 50,000 to monthly figures, we have Rs 4167 or Rs 4200 per month – that becomes your 1% SIP investment.

Your total investment over 20 years would be 20 x 12 x 4200, which is Rs 10.1 lakh.

Assuming your investments generate returns ranging from 9-12%, here is how much you will have in 20 years:

- At 9% returns, you have Rs 28-29 lakh
- At 10% returns, you have Rs 31-32 lakh
- At 11% returns, you have Rs 35-36 lakh
- At 12% returns, you have Rs 40-41 lakh

Depending on returns (9-12%), you will have between Rs 29 lakh to Rs 41 lakh after 20 years.

Even if you deduct your SIP money invested which was Rs 10.1 lakh from the total amount, even then you will get Rs 18-30+ lakh – which, in a way, takes care of a decent portion of your overall home loan interest of Rs 54 lakh, if not full amount.

I have heard people call this approach as SIP based Interest-free home loan, and at times interest-free home loan mutual fund trick, and what not. I don’t want to call it that.

But nevertheless, it’s a useful idea to invest some additional amount so that if need be, you can one day prepay your home loan with the accumulated amount even earlier.

I have written an article on this topic as well. Please do check –

Doing SIP of 1% of the Home loan – SIP Trick?

I know you might be thinking that what if instead of monthly SIP, you started doing a monthly prepayment of Rs 4200 per month towards the home loan itself.

In that case, your loan tenure will come down to 17 years (from 20), and your total interest outgo will come down to Rs 42 lakh (from Rs 54 lakh).

If home loan prepayment interests you, then do check the 3 popular threads I wrote 👇👇

How to quickly prepay Rs 50 lakh home loan in a few years 👇👇

What happens when you pay just ONE extra EMI every year towards your home loan -

When is the best time to prepay your home loans 👇👇

So eventually, it is up to you. Some want to get rid of their home loans quickly (& as fast as possible). Others want to just keep paying the basic EMI & let the loan run its course. They instead invest extra amounts elsewhere (mostly equity) to get higher returns.

Depending on what your risk appetite and preferences are, you should pick an approach accordingly.

But remember - Your home loan is not your only priority. You need to invest for other financial goals as well. So don’t get too obsessed with the home loan prepayment.

That was the thread about 1% SIP of Home Loans. If you found this thread 🧵useful, then do share it with others.

You can also retweet the link to the first tweet of this thread to spread the word. Link below 👇👇

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