31 facts about gut health that most doctors won’t tell you:

1.70-80% of the immune system lies in the gut
2. 40-60% of patients with GI issues have psychiatric issues, while 50% of psychiatric patients have IBS
3. Poor sleep disrupts your gut health
4. Over 70 million people (in the US alone) have digestive issues
5. Poor posture can compress your GI tract, resulting in poor digestion
6. Prebiotics are just as important as probiotics
7. Your bowel movements should be regular
8. 50% of dopamine is produced/stored in the gut
9. Your skin issues are a result of poor gut health
10.Circadium rhythm disruption can destroy the gut
11. Sodium butyrate and glutamine are the most overlooked gut health supplements
12.Leaky gut can be the reason for your brain fog
13.If you have gut issues, you’re not absorbing all the nutrients from your food
14.Processed foods destroy the gut
15.Gluten (at least in the US) can wreak havoc on the gut
16.Sunlight on the belly can help heal the gut
17.Stress kills the gut
18.Bone broth on an empty stomach is your guts best friend
19.Many autoimmune disorders start in the gut
20. Allergies can be a result of poor gut health
https://t.co/zAF8tnC9lc need to eat more slowly and chew your food more
22.Gut issues play a role in cardiovascular disease
23. Antibiotics destroy the gut, go on them only if absolutely necessary
24. Red light therapy can help heal the gut
25. You need to be drinking kefir
26. Alcohol kills good gut bacteria
27. Raw vegetables can be rough on the gut (except for carrots)
28. Most kombucha is just glorified soda
29. GMO corn and soy are very hard to digest
30. Black coffee on an emoty stomach can be rough on the gut
31. Many probiotic supplements don’t survive your stomach acid
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