Give me 60 seconds and I’ll show you the 3 secrets that made me a millionaire before 30:

I’ve been an online fitness coach since 2014.

I also came from a background where:

• I was a drug addict
• I lived in a trailer park
• I faced a ton of adversity

But I still managed to make a millionaire before 30.

These are the 3 reasons why…
1. Invest heavily in mentorship

People aren’t successful because they’re not invested.

Think about it…

All the info you need is out there for free:

• Twitter
• Google
• YouTube

But you don’t take action because you have 0 urgency.

You NEED to invest heavily in yourself.
When I only had $25,000, I invested $15,000 into my 1st mentor.

And $10K of that $25K I owed employees for payroll….


Because once I made that financial commitment, I knew there were consequences if I didn’t take action.

Apply tactical pressure to your situation.
2. Give yourself a slight edge

Anything I get into, I look at what the competition is doing.

Then I do a bit more.

Everyone else does 2 coaching calls a week?
I do 10.

Everyone else’s program costs $10K?
Mine is $400/month.

Everyone else wakes up at 8am?
I wake up at 3:45am.
Want to get ahead of 99% of people?

Do more in these 3 areas of your life:

Can you invest a bit more each month?

Can you lift a bit heavier each gym session?

Can you show a bit more gratitude each day?

Consistency compounds.
3. Produce content

Want to be seen as an authority in your niche?

Give actionable advice on a platform.

• Tweet
• Podcast
• Make videos

This shows you know what you’re talking about and builds trust with your audience.

If people trust you, they’ll buy from you.
I used to be seen as a fitness guy.

But I wanted to be seen as a business authority.

So I started a podcast.

Each episode, I gave 5 pieces of actionable advice from my $54K/month coaching business.

This built my reputation and was key to doing $500K+/months with my business.
The 3 secrets that helped me become a millionaire before 30:

1. Invest heavily in yourself whenever you’re too comfortable in life
2. Find out what the competition is doing, then do more
3. Produce content
Thanks for reading.

If you want to help another person, give the 1st tweet a retweet.

And if you want more content like this, follow me @therealbmark

Have a great day.

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