Have you tried using Hedges for Margin Benefits?

Let's see how margin behaves with Hedges 🧵

RT if it helps.

Simple Short Straddle Without Hedge:

Strategy: Short ATM CE, Short ATM PE

Margin: 1.71L

POP: 57%

Backtest this strategy: https://t.co/kC0hucRQEv
Let's start with Tight Hedge 200 points away

Strategy: Short ATM CE, Short ATM PE and Long ATM + 200 CE, Long ATM - 200 PE

Margin: 65K

Backtest this strategy: https://t.co/mbs0hivyI8
Let's go little far away 500 points away

Strategy: Short ATM CE, Short ATM PE and Long ATM + 500 CE, Long ATM - 500 PE

Margin: 66K

Backtest this strategy: https://t.co/HwqYLMI6wN
Margins at 1000 points away Hedge

Strategy: Short ATM CE, Short ATM PE and Long ATM + 1000 CE, Long ATM - 1000 PE

Margin: 72K

Backtest this strategy:
Now you can clearly see above that on Fridays hedges at even 1000 points away are keeping us under 75K margins but Hedge Premiums are above 100 Rs.

Let's try some smaller premium hedges and see how margin behaves. ⬇️
Hedge of Closest to 75Rs Premium

Strategy: Short ATM CE, Short ATM PE and Long ₹ ~75 CE, Long ATM ₹ ~75 PE

Margin: 78K

POP is now closed to 50%

Backtest this strategy:
Hedge of Closest to 50Rs Premium

Strategy: Short ATM CE, Short ATM PE and Long ₹ ~50 CE, Long ATM ₹ ~50 PE

Margin: 85K

POP is now closed to 50%

Backtest this strategy:
Hedge of Closest to 25Rs Premium

Strategy: Short ATM CE, Short ATM PE and Long ₹ ~25 CE, Long ATM ₹ ~25 PE

Margin: 95K

Backtest this strategy:

Hedge of Closest to 15Rs Premium

Strategy: Short ATM CE, Short ATM PE and Long ₹ ~15 CE, Long ATM ₹ ~15 PE

Margin: 1.07L (finally crossed 1L Margin)

Backtest this strategy:
Disclaimer: Above mentioned strategies in not a recommendation but a framework for you to see if Hedges can benefit you in some way or not.

Btw, If you wish to try Lot more combinations to see "Estimated Margin" you can easily get that in our Simulator:


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सत्यवती ने महर्षि भृगु से अपने तथा अपनी माता के लिए पुत्र का वरदान मांगा।ये जानकर महर्षि भृगु ने यज्ञ किया और तत्पश्चात सत्यवती और उसकी माता को अलग-अलग प्रकार के दो चरू (यज्ञ के लिए पकाया हुआ अन्न) दिए और कहा कि ऋतु स्नान के बाद तुम्हारी माता पुत्र की इच्छा लेकर पीपल का आलिंगन...

...करें और तुम भी पुत्र की इच्छा लेकर गूलर वृक्ष का आलिंगन करना। आलिंगन करने के बाद चरू का सेवन करना, इससे तुम दोनो को पुत्र प्राप्ति होगी।परंतु मां बेटी के चरू आपस में बदल जाते हैं और ये महर्षि भृगु अपनी दिव्य दृष्टि से देख लेते हैं।

भृगु ऋषि सत्यवती से कहते हैं,"पुत्री तुम्हारा और तुम्हारी माता ने एक दुसरे के चरू खा लिए हैं।इस कारण तुम्हारा पुत्र ब्राह्मण होते हुए भी क्षत्रिय सा आचरण करेगा और तुम्हारी माता का पुत्र क्षत्रिय होकर भी ब्राह्मण सा आचरण करेगा।"
इस पर सत्यवती ने भृगु ऋषि से बड़ी विनती की।

सत्यवती ने कहा,"मुझे आशीर्वाद दें कि मेरा पुत्र ब्राह्मण सा ही आचरण करे।"तब महर्षि ने उसे ये आशीर्वाद दे दिया कि उसका पुत्र ब्राह्मण सा ही आचरण करेगा किन्तु उसका पौत्र क्षत्रियों सा व्यवहार करेगा। सत्यवती का एक पुत्र हुआ जिसका नाम जम्दाग्नि था जो सप्त ऋषियों में से एक हैं।
1/ Some initial thoughts on personal moats:

Like company moats, your personal moat should be a competitive advantage that is not only durable—it should also compound over time.

Characteristics of a personal moat below:

2/ Like a company moat, you want to build career capital while you sleep.

As Andrew Chen noted:

3/ You don’t want to build a competitive advantage that is fleeting or that will get commoditized

Things that might get commoditized over time (some longer than

4/ Before the arrival of recorded music, what used to be scarce was the actual music itself — required an in-person artist.

After recorded music, the music itself became abundant and what became scarce was curation, distribution, and self space.

5/ Similarly, in careers, what used to be (more) scarce were things like ideas, money, and exclusive relationships.

In the internet economy, what has become scarce are things like specific knowledge, rare & valuable skills, and great reputations.