Most men are suffering from low Testosterone

❌ Low energy.. Brain fog.. Unable to build muscle.. Low sex drive

Here are 4 things that will help you build your T levels 👇

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I'm very familiar with this topic.. Because I used to struggle w/ very low T levels

When I was 22 yrs old I felt like shit all the time.. So I went in & got blood work done

I had the test levels of an 80+ yr old man.. Within 2 months I fixed the problem though. Here's how
✅# 1) You've gotta EAT

Prioritize quality meat with every meal.. Grass fed/organic if possible. Lots of red meat

Eat healthy fats often.. Eggs, fatty meat, grass fed butter, ghee, tallow, olive oil. Fats play a key role in the production of hormones like testosterone
In addition to this..I would recommend supplementing with Beef Organs

This is the brand I use.I would recommend their base "Beef Organ" supp in addition to the "Whole Package" which contains Bull Testes.. This will make a huge difference

link in my bio if u wanna check them out
If you're a young guy.. Don't worry about trying to be lean & shredded all the time

Focus on eating lots of quality calories every day. Staying healthy. Building muscle

And then long term as you get older you'll be able to stay lean all the time w/o even trying
✅# 2) Consistent Sun Exposure ☀️

Regular sun exposure will result in your body producing more Testosterone. In addition to many more health benefits

How much you need depends on your skin type.. The lighter your skin, the less you'll need
I personally get quite a bit of sun. Walking about 60 min a day shirtless. In addition to sitting out in the sun 20-60 min a day

If you live in a state that doesn't get much sun.. Look into an "Infrared Red Light" therapy device

Mito Red Light is a great brand
✅# 3) Lift Weights 3-4x per week

Lifting weights leads our body to producing more Testosterone

Most people never come close to over training.. But be mindful of not overdoing it. And giving yourself the proper rest & recovery. Bc it can have the opposite effect
This was part of my issue years ago.. I was hitting weights 6-7x a week. In addition to 5-6x cardio per week. All the while not eating nearly enough food.. I did this for years on end always obsessed with trying to stay shredded

This was a big factor in my low T levels
✅# 4) Sleep is Key

Sleep is the fountain of youth.. It allows our mind & body to recover every night

I recommend developing a consistent sleep routine.. Going to bed & waking up around the same time every day. This will help a ton

Minimize stimulant intake in the afternoon
Oftentimes when guys have low T and their hormones are out of whack.. It causes their sleep to go to shit

This was the case for me.. So it becomes a vicious cycle

Out of whack hormones leads to shit sleep.. Shit sleep leads to even worse hormones
I'm now 28 years old & in the best shape/health of my life

My test levels are through the roof. 100% natural w/o any TRT or anything

I have great energy. Mind feels clear. Training HARD

Here is a pic at my worst point 6 years ago to now 👇
Feel free to DM me if you need any help or have any Q's about this stuff 💪

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