Wait for a run up, then look for a pullback on LOW volume to get an entry
This isn't how you should be looking at volume...
Trading is about mastering ONE setup
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) September 1, 2022
And I'm giving you the one that turned me into a profitable trader FREE...
Take 2 mins out of your day to learn my EXACT setup:\U0001f9f5 pic.twitter.com/qJgy7P7AZ7
my girlfriend cheated on me with my brother while on vacation
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) September 6, 2022
Here are 5 trading strategies that could make you $100k this year:\U0001f9f5
I've tweeted for over 5 years...
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) November 1, 2022
and NEVER shared this strategy once
Take 30 seconds out of your day to learn the strategy that I use as a full-time trader:\U0001f9f5 pic.twitter.com/qQXWU4iY4J
Ever let a winning trade turn red?
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) May 31, 2022
Or see price take off as soon as you cover your position?
Here's EXACTLY how I scale in and out of positions to stop THAT\U0001f446 from happening (from a full-time trader):
I've been trading full-time for the past 3 years using my supply/demand strategy
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) June 1, 2022
Here's the ONE reason why you're supply/demand strategy isn't working: \U0001f9f5 pic.twitter.com/10s05zWd36
99% of traders look at volume...
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) June 2, 2022
yet the majority of traders are using it WRONG
Here's how I used volume to make 6 figures trading last year:\U0001f9f5 pic.twitter.com/ynNV2gt3aL
Making thread \U0001f9f5 on trading view scanner by which you can select intraday and btst stocks .
— Vikrant (@Trading0secrets) October 22, 2021
In just few hours (Without any watchlist)
Some manual efforts u have to put on it.
Soon going to share the process with u whenever it will be ready .
"How's the josh?"guys \U0001f57a\U0001f3b7\U0001f483