Missing from the 'great replacement' argument is the simple fact that population churn is one of the leading factors for creating a broken, consumption addicted population.

People live normal, well rounded lives when they belong to a healthy functional extended family and community. Children instinctually get a healthy identity, and people feel a purpose and reason for existing.
When this balance is upset, people withdraw to comfort: watching tv, streaming, consuming. They lose contact with the outside world in a physical, social and spiritual sense.
Parents who spend 18 years diligently shielding their kids from the rotten broader culture won't even blink about sending those kids off to a far away university. Those kids will be removed from a source of strength at just about the worst possible time.
The loss of a rooted nature begets a whole host of broken social afflictions. Kids and young people look for a reason for existence, or identity, usually leading to listless and broken people online. Groomers have an ample supply of lost wandering kids.
Certainly doesn't help that parents themselves are quite broken, amplifying this effect (and in horrible situations, the parents push their twisted dysfunctions and turn their kids 'trans' or whatever). Looking at you, white democrat voting women.
Human relationships are direct, in person and meaningful - they can not exist over a screen or over a hundred miles. What you see all around you is a decades (and longer) slide from having an important role in a cohesive community and family...
to adopting an ever more insidious and broken culture beamed into your house from radio, tv, movies, the internet and now turbocharged with that phone in everyone's pocket. Immigration plays a massive role, but the situation is even larger than that.
A nation that is too busy staring at phones and getting excited for the next thing is not a nation that will ever try to protect itself from extinction. It's already dying on the ground. Do your part to be a light in your family and town, as out situation isn't going to improve.
Well, not improve anytime soon.

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