Mirchi Map of India: 5 GI-Tagged Indian Chillies Famous For Their Flavour


The ghost pepper, locally known as Bhut Jolokia in Assam, this chilli pepper widely cultivated and used in Northeast India, is a definite winner in the heat department. Named as the world’s hottest chilli pepper by the Guinness World Records in 2007.

Ths is probably where it all started wth the Portuguese coming 2 the shores of Goa wth a promise of flavourful culinary integration.Grown in the hilly slopes of Canacona,Goa, ths chilli z a bright red variety known for its taste and ability 2 lend colour to the food.
Andhra cuisine’s pride and joy, Guntur chilli is yet another variety known for its spice and flavour. Although it is predominantly cultivated in Guntur, varieties of this chilli have also found prominence in Madhya Pradesh.
Yet another South Indian cuisine gem, Byadagi chilli grown in Karnataka is a must-try if you are one to prefer colour over spice when it comes to chillies. Named after the town of Bydagi, in the Haveri district of Karnataka, it is an integral part of Udupi cuisine.
Bird’s Eye Chilli
Yet another South Indian cuisine gem, Byadagi chilli grown in Karnataka is a must-try if you are one to prefer colour over spice when it comes 2 chillies. Named after the town of Bydagi, in the Haveri district of Karnataka,it z an integral part of Udupi cuisine.

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