Evidence of Genetic Engineering of SARS-COV-2. Part 2 (thread).

The Outlandish Case of the Uncanny HIV Inserts.

Part 1 is below if you haven't yet read it:

Early on in the pandemic a group of Indian HIV researchers announced they had found fragments of HIV in the SARS-COV-2 genome. While each fragment was small, they *rightly* stated that finding them all together was no coincidence.

For their efforts they were slammed by other scientists and media, and on Feb 2, 2019, the day after the Fauci teleconference with Holmes, Andersen, Farrar et al, they withdrew their pre-print.
One of those sequences will be very familiar to anyone who has been following the story carefully. Although there has been a deletion within, Insert 4 is an easily recognizable part of the sequence around the SARS-COV-2 S1/S2 junction - QTNSPRRA.
It seems that these sequences have been taken from HIV and inserted into SARS-COV-2 genome. But what are their purpose? And did they originate in HIV naturally, or are they also artificial origin?

The FCS sequence I said previously derives from N. Meningitidis. Was I wrong?
It turns out the other three HIV inserts originate in Cholera Toxin (CT). Cholera toxin (with uncanny taxid: 666) has been investigated as an adjuvant (vaccine enhancer) especially for a mucosal (i.e. administered nasally) vaccine for HIV.

Here is "Uncanny HIV insert 3" within the SARS-COV-2 spike protein. The telltale signs of genetic engineering, Type IIS restriction sites abound. Note the SSS at end of sequence - it's significance is unknown but it is a recurrent motif around engineered sites.
In an HIV strain uploaded by USAMRIID in 2003 there is a different form of the Neisseria Meningitidis motif, flanked by Type IIS restriction sites and with an extra S residue. (Perhaps Serine is used simply as "padding"?)
In an alignment between an HIV sequence from 1998 and one from 2015, there is no recognizable PRRA in the earlier sequence. Uncanny.
In next thread let's look at some fake sequences from fake viruses. There's a growing pile of them each attempting to cover up the fake sequence that went before it. @nerdhaspower - and others - saw the problems with RaTG13 early on.


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