Authors R.Сам 🦋🐏

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Yes-- the initial revolution, like in Russia, was plotted by Western powers-- but they lost control of them in time-- Stalin's purges & shift toward a Nationalist platform is similar to Mao's-- both rediscovered "national sovereignty" & represent Napoleonic counter-revolution.

I don't support "Revolutionaries"-- I support Counter-Revolutionaries who complete the Dialectic by synthesizing the Revolutionary with the Traditional-- this is what makes Kojeve more interesting than Marx.

China has undergone massive changes-- Xi represents a "new Mao" in this sense-- & he came to power by purging the "Globalist Liberal" factions of the CCP (most often paid off by the CIA)-- Xi's unlike any other Communist Dictator from the CCP-- he's a Revolutionary Traditionalist

Xi's inspiration comes, simultaneously, from laboring with the rural peasantry & from studying Lee Kuan Yew & Deng Xiaoping-- along with the "Return to Tradition" / "Trust the Classics" revitalization of pre-cultural revolution texts-- such as Han Fei, Confucius, etc.

He's a Chinese Nationalist-- which is to say-- he's building a New Chinese Empire-- following the same tactics the US & British used in earlier time periods-- specifically, pivoting to "Free Trade" after achieving absolute industrial supremacy-- standard British Policy.