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😂😂 @garimaasinghh01 बात तो बहुत सरल है, 'और थोड़ा नहीं, पूर्ण रूप से धर्म से जुड़ी है'।

मुझे ये तो नहीं पता कि ये प्रश्न जिज्ञासा वश था, या so called secular & liberals की तरह सिर्फ़ हिन्दू धर्म पर कटाक्ष था... लेकिन मैं आपको इसका सटीक और शास्त्रोचित उत्तर अवश्य दूंगी।

माता लक्ष्मी को ही सदैव भगवान विष्णु के पैर दबाते हुये क्यूँ देखा है, या दिखाया जाता है?

"क्यूँ कि, माता लक्ष्मी को धन, ऐश्वर्य एवं भौतिक सुखों का कारक माना जाता है, और श्री हरिः विष्णु को परम पिता परमेश्वर, जगत कर्त्ता। अर्थात जो समस्त जगत का रचयता है, उसके चरणों में लक्ष्मी...

भी दासी है।" ये 'दर्शन' है।

दर्शन तो पता होगा आपको? जिस पर पूरी दुनियाँ सिर्फ़ अपनी अपनी खोज में भटक रही है, और कुछ विरले महापुरुषों ने इस पर अपना अद्भुत ज्ञान भी दिया है। जी हाँ, वही दर्शन।

तो दर्शन कहता है, कि जीव अर्थात आत्मा 33 करोड़ योनियों में विचरण करती हुयी...

33 कोटि (प्रकार) के देवी-देवताओं का पूजन करती हुयी अनेक सम्प्रदायों (आज-कल तो नये-नये धर्म भी रोज़ जन्म लेते हैं।) में अपने-अपने वैचारिक मतों का पालन करती हुयी, विभिन्न प्रकार के कर्म करती है और उन्हीं कर्म फलों को भोगते हुये अनंत काल तक भटकती रहती है।

मनुष्य योनि सर्वश्रेष्ठ कही जाती है, क्यूँ कि उसके पास ज्ञान को जागृत करने का अनुपन वरदान है जो अन्य जीवों के पास नहीं है। (वैसे ज्ञान और मष्तिष्क अलग अलग होता है।) और मष्तिष्क सबके पास होता है।

अब थोड़ा शास्त्रार्थ हो जाये -
भगवान श्री कृष्ण गीता में कहते हैं कि.....

@indhavaainko If possible add this as subtitle in the vide itself

Yesterday what our Central Government did was a historical mile stone. If you have read the entire notification, it is mentioned there, (that) usually the amount will be paid after deciding in GST Council. But the total amount in the Compensation fund (1/n)

was only about RS.25000 crore and the due for states was about 86000 crore. As per the decisions taken by GST council, they can pay after 3 months or 6 months, or 9 months, as and when the funds are collected in GST pool (Compensation). Still Central Government has paid the (2/n)

balance money (of about 60000+ cr) from its sources and released the dues to the states yesterday. This is first time in the history of GST. As per GST (Mechanism) they will collect the dues (from the tax payers) of GST & Cess (which is over & above GST on selected items). (3/n)

As and when they receive the funds they will distribute the dues to the states. But what our Central Govt did yesterday was phenomenal.When there was no money in GST pool, CG has said that they would pay the entire dues from their sources and settle it. When GST council (4/n)
This is biggest misconceptions about sanatan dharma when some leftist said Bhagwan ram ji was married at age of 13-14 and maa sita was at the age of 6 ?

In Bāla-Kāṇḍa of the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇam, Ram ji accompanies Viśvāmitra,to kill Tataka, Subahu etc. After killing them, He

He proceeded to Mithila and marries Sita. What was Ram’s age when he married Sita? This is what Daśaratha told Viśvāmitra when the latter asked him to send Ram to kill the Rakshasas.
ऊनषोडषवर्षो मे रामो राजीवलोचनः । न युद्धयोग्यतामस्य पश्यामि सह राक्षसैः ।।1.20.2।।

This verse is used to ‘prove’ that Ram was 15 years old when he married Sita. In Vedic calculations, a boy’s age is calculated from the time of Upanayana, because this ceremony is considered a ‘second birth’. This is why the word ‘Dwija’ (twice born) is used. Upanayana was

performed for Kshatriyas at the age of eight. Thus, what Dasharatha actually meant is “Ram has only received 15 years of training!”. (In ancient India warriors needed 16 years of training). Hence Ram’s age at the time of marriage wasn’t 14 or 15, but rather 23. (8+15=23)

Ram went to the forest exactly 13 months after His marriage. At that time Kausalya told Him :
दश सप्त च वर्षाणि तव जातस्य राघव । अतीतानि प्रकाांन्क्षत्या मया दुःख परिक्षयम् ।।2.20.45।।
Seventeen years have passed, since Your 2nd birth; all this while I expected that my sorrow