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The Mother of All Squeezes

How Volkswagen went from being on the brink of bankruptcy to the most valuable company in the world in two days


1/ At the peak of the 2008 financial crisis, Volkswagen was considered a very likely candidate for bankruptcy.

Heavily indebted and already financially struggling before 2008, with car sales expected to plummet due to the ongoing global crisis.

2/ With GM and Chrysler filing for bankruptcy in 2009, shorting the VW stock would seem a safe bet.

If you are not familiar with stock shorts and short squeezes check my thread

3/ On October 26, 2008, Porsche announced it had increased its stake at VW from 30% to 74%.

This was a surprise to many who were led to believe that Porsche wasn't planning a takeover of VW, based on the company's announcements.

4/ Before the announcement, the short interest was approximately 13% of the outstanding shares, a number considered relatively low.

Porsche had a 30% stake, the Lower Saxony government fund held 20% of the shares, and another 5% was held by index funds.
So many of you have tweeted this excellent 🧵at me. Thank you.

Couple of things to clarify in case you don't know what these systems are


Daniel mentions 2 different systems: EMCS used to register movements of excise goods (wine) and CHIEF for customs.

As excise products are subject to additional controls EMCS was used even when we were in the EU. And it still is now.


CHIEF is different, it's a customs systems. Reminder, as an EU member we didn't have customs borders with other EU states.

We've now introduced a new customs border so all movements to/from the EU need to be logged in CHIEF AS WELL AS other relevant systems.


CHIEF isn't easy to use. Kudos to Daniel for managing to input directly into it. The additional software helps but yes, there is a cost involved. Or you can pay the broker.

Part of that extra admin cost we've been warning about for the last 5 years


Another issue is that CHIEF will soon (ish) be replaced by CDS. A new version. So even if you learn how to deal with CHIEF now you'll soon need to re-learn on CDS.
