7 powerful concepts everyone should teach their children:
Compound interest:
Large outcomes are often the result of small gains in performance compounding over the course of years and decades.
Small improvements may look tiny in isolation, but they result in gigantic outcomes when you zoom out.
Evolution by natural selection:
People and culture evolve through a process of generational iteration.
In every generation, the fittest organisms reproduce to create the next generation - while the unfittest die away.
Most things in our world are the result of this process.
Evolution-environment disconnect:
We evolved in the scarcity of jungles but find ourselves in the abundance of cities with unlimited food and pleasures.
Our biology isn't equipped to deal with this abundance - which often leads to addiction and obesity.
Many things around us are designed to exploit this evolutionary disconnect:
• Added sugar to exploit your taste buds
• Pornography to exploit your sex drive
• Social media to exploit your social instincts
Recognizing and limiting these things is critical for a healthy life.