Do you want to put on muscle?

Here are the best exercises for muscle growth for each body part:

There are many different strategies for muscle growth .

All can be effective if implemented correctly.

For each muscle group in this thread, I've included:

-1 compound "overload" exercise.
-1 lighter "isolation" exercise.

Let's get into it.

DB Bench Press

- Gives you more ROM vs. a BB bench press.

Cable Crossover

- Can exaggerate the "squeeze" at the end of the ROM. Can adjust cable height to place emphasis on different areas of the pec.

Supinated Lat Pulldown, or Chin Up

- Both have the same motion, but a slightly different stimulus. Supinated grip, about shoulder width apart.

SA Cable Lat Row

- High cable position, pulling in the direction of the muscle fibers. Emphasize stretch at top of exercise.

Dumbbell Overhead Press

- Can adjust angle of the press for best results for your anatomy/current ROM.

Front Raise

- Great for isolating the front delts. Don't need lots of weight to hit these hard. Don't swing, actively lift.

Arnold Press

- Really allows you to get some heavier weight on the middle delts.

Lateral Raises
- Can be done with cable, or dumbbells. Higher reps lighter weights lets you better isolate the middle delt.

DB Rear Delt Raise

- Can be done seated, prone on a bench, or standing. Make sure not to shrug and use upper traps.

Face Pulls

- Great for overall shoulder health, as it works the rotator cuff too. Use high reps as a warm up, or a finisher.

Weighted Chin Ups

- You want to have a slight lean back to emphasize the biceps over the lats.

Bicep Curl

- Can be done many ways. Dumbbells and cables will give you the greatest range of motion.

Close Grip Bench Press

- Will give you the most resistance/weight of any tricep dominant exercise.

Rope Pushdowns

- Use a long rope if available. Make sure to extend the arms back at the end of the movement to hit the long head of the triceps.

Handstands/Handstand Walks

- Not necessarily trap dominant, but will light up your traps if you're not used to them.


- These are the most effective for your traps. Use a weight that you can hold at the top for a few seconds.

BB Bent Over Row

- Emphasize the top portion. Hold at the top. This is an all-time back exercise if done right.

Low Pulley Row

- Great for muscle growth, even better for posture. Don't lean back on this one, stay upright and pull with your lower/mid traps.

BB Front Squat

- If you want more emphasis on the quads (or you have poor ankle ROM), elevate your heels.

Bulgarian Split Squat

- These are a hated exercise. They're damn hard, but great for quad development. Keep the front foot closer to you for more quad dominance.

BB Hip Thrust

- Don't need much ROM for this one. If you're overextending, you'll feel it in the lower back. You want your glutes doing the work.

Cable Pull Through

- Same deal as the above. And, focus on the mind-muscle connection with your glutes.


- Hips go way back. If your grip fatigues before your hamstrings, use straps or a hook grip.

Lying Hamstring Curls

- Best isolation exercise for hamstrings. Use a weight so that you don't take over the movement with your back.

Smith Machine Calf Raise

- Watch yourself in the mirror, and make sure the only thing moving is your ankles. Nothing at the hips or knees.

BW Stair Calf Raise

- Slight pause at the top, and the bottom of the exercise. Go as far as your ankles will let you.

Cable Crunches

- On this exercise, you WANT your back rounded. Do high reps, think mind-muscle connection here.

- Same as above. High reps, mind-muscle connection. Hard to overdo these.

DB Farmer Carries

- Grab the heaviest DBs you can, and walk with shoulders back in a controlled manner. RIP to your grip.

DB Extension/Flexion

- Sit with your wrist over a bench, grab a DB, and curl or extend your wrist depending on which exercise you're doing.
There are arguments that can be made for practically any exercise's effectiveness with regards to muscle building.

If you think something different, that's all good!

If you disagree, tell me why. 👇🏼
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