Since everyone is still talking about how successful of an evil genius henchman Bill Barr was, let's catalog all the times he corruptly tried to help Trump but fell flat on his face:

Barr tried to get the case against Michael Flynn thrown out, but this effort failed entirely. Trump ended up having to pardon Flynn, to clean up Barr's failure.
Barr tried to get Roger Stone's prison sentence reduced to the minimum, but Stone ended up getting the multi-year sentence he was always going to get. Trump had to commute Stone's sentence, to clean up Barr's failure.
After Michael Cohen was let out on house arrest due to the pandemic, Barr tried throwing him back in prison to prevent him from publishing his anti-Trump book. But a judge quickly freed Cohen, who succeeded in publishing his book.
Barr tried to install his own guy as head of the SDNY, presumably to stop the arrest of Steve Bannon. But Barr blew it, the SDNY remained in proper hands, and Bannon ended up getting arrested.
Barr presumably tried to stop the arrests of Lev and Igor, but failed to do so. Barr then presumably tried to stop Lev from opening up publicly about Trump's crimes, but failed to do so.
Whatever Barr was trying to do to Hunter Biden for Trump's electoral benefit, it totally failed. For that matter, all of Barr's election antics failed. Trump ended up having to sabotage the Post Office of all things, as a last ditch effort at making up for Barr's failures.
So did Barr manage to score any corrupt victories for Trump? Some have assumed that Barr blocked Rudy's arrest. But it's just as plausible that SDNY has been waiting to arrest Rudy until Trump is gone, so Trump can't so easily guess about which specific charges to pardon Rudy for
The ONLY verifiable victory that Barr scored for Trump was the phony redaction of the Mueller report. But that was the media's fault for giving newcomer Barr the initial benefit of the doubt; if the media had done its job, Barr couldn't have made the Mueller redactions stick.
For that matter it was Rosenstein, not Barr, who had already sabotaged and neutered Mueller, long before Barr was even on the job. Rosenstein is the reason Mueller didn't indict Trump or his family; Barr is just the reason we didn't get to see the unused evidence against them.
Bill Barr did a LOT of corrupt, criminal stuff. Put him in prison. Forever. But the notion that Barr was some kind of evil genius henchman is one of the most false characterizations in the history of American politics. The media made up a fictional version of a middling bumbler.
Ask yourself how many nights MSNBC scared you into staying tuned in by insisting that evil genius Bill Barr was about to magically rig this or that for Trump.

Newspapers printed numerous stories that Barr basically wrote himself, quoting sources "familiar with Barr's thinking."
Here's the lasting question: why did the media, including several liberal media outlets, conspire to create a fictional evil genius persona for Bill Barr? Was it all about ratings? Did he blackmail them? Did they just not want to admit their initial framing of him was wrong?
Of all the harmful false political narratives the media has cooked up over the past four years, Bill Barr as evil genius has been perhaps the most egregious, and the most inexplicable. Maybe it was all just a ratings play, to scare us into staying tuned in. But we deserve better.
Some of you have pointed out that Barr also struck out when it came to the Durham probe, and struck out when it came to the unmasking probe.

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Why am RTg this Rush post? Because @AnjillofLight_ just advised me that @rushlimbaugh is handing his show over to @realDonaldTrump tomorrow 10/9.

Playing both the Rush and Trump Cards

Coincidence the movie The Trump Card is out tomorrow 10/9.

I'm your Huckleberry. I knew it.🤣

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Only the full release of docs can give conclusive evidence.

Dangle Operation
Sanctions are coming

Make sure you go to the concession stand and get your popcorn, beverage and candy.

— that he restored and increased HBCU funding (which Obama cut permanently) and met with HBCU leaders to find more solutions to bring higher education to black communities!

— that he gave loans to black entrepreneurs when the banks wouldn't.

— that Jesse Jackson praised Trump for helping him put together his Rainbow Coalition and for being a model for “people on Wall Street to represent diversity.”

— that he was awarded the 1986 Ellis Island Medal Of Honor alongside Rosa parks and Muhammad Ali for “patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and DIVERSITY”. They don't give these medals to racists.

— that he dated a black woman.

— that he donated to and did personal favors for Rev. Al Sharpton's National Youth Movement.

— that he helped sponsor and finance both of Jesse Jackson's presidential bids.

— that when a homeless black woman was found illegally living in Trump Tower he allowed this woman to stay for 8 years, and provided her with three meals a day, and fresh flowers once a week.

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