So I've been reposted by fake accounts...tried to be doxxed by fake accounts...Reported by fake accounts...
Ask why?
Because I exposed to biggest #Larp the biggest #Shill of them all The Dark Judge TRDJ now suspended.the fake who said he was a @SpaceForceDoD @WhiteHouse @USAGov

@realDonaldTrump administration Operative with inside Intel...
Spreading fake news, fake information to is then Thousands of Followers.
Not only that...he has used graphic language and unfounded allegations...
Constant attacks of Doxxing and slander on me and anyone that dare question him.
These are just some screenshots of the constant threats of doxxing and attacks.
These failed doxx attempts of me...
Again some more failed doxxing...
See even he doesn't know I've been that many people...
Threats with a uncle of his who he says works for Cyber security to have my account.
Again fake threats from police...
Here he is attacking others...sometimes using Fake accounts..
With threats to reveal information..threats to other peoples followers...which hasn't happened.
Saying I threatened him and his followers...sayingbhe has people leaking personal information...saying I should be scared of him...
Doxxing threats....
These are some posts he did with allegations of me being a paedophile all without evidence....and again calling me someone called Steve?
Some more threats...abiut releasing some more fake information...
Some more threats about getting unmadked by the fake Cyber Security...
Some more recent posts..
Here's some more...
These are just a selection...i have more...
Why would someone want to go to this much trouble if what I've exposed not be true...

More from Trump

Picking up on @henryfarrell's comments here, one implication of my work on democratic breakdown is that the US should harshly punish GOP leaders who attempted to keep Trump in power despite losing the election and fomented insurrection to advance that effort. 1/n

I wrote a book a decade ago that used game theory to explore the ways democracies die and what that tells us about how and why they sometimes survive. 2/n

One implication of the formal model in that book is that normative commitments to democracy may matter less than expectations about the benefits and costs of trying to subvert democracy. 3/n

It's great when all the major players (ruling party, opposition party, and military) believe democracy is good in itself. If they don't, tho, then what matters most are their beliefs about how easily they can seize power and how costly it would be to try and fail. 4/n

I think it's pretty clear that many key players in the GOP don't see democracy as a good in itself ("we're a republic, not a democracy"). So that shifts their attention to their ability to usurp power and the costs of trying and failing. 5/n

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