Good morning I want to tell you a story

Once upon a time I spent all week getting ridiculous messages from men calling me their "little friend," telling me they got publicly humiliated by their girlfriend in front of a girl they thought was me, telling me I was disrespectful... a man named Aubrey Huff for responding to a tweet that literally said all old and fat people should just die, calling me "beautifull..."

yada yada yada men are trash. We know that.

But then
Then it seemed my fortune was about to change.

Enter mommyheather.
mommyheather seemed like the kind of woman you want around. She didn't want naked photos, she just wanted to talk.

Hey, it's a pandemic. We're all a little bored.
Early on, I thought I blew it. I was too enthusiastic about this covid vaccine....
But mommyheather loved my enthusiasm and even wanted to pay me!

So I made a cashapp account just because she asked me to (it's ralter7 for those who are interested! I only accept payments). She was gonna pay me!
Except for this $53 osole thing. Osole? What is osole? Why am I paying her?
Time for some due diligence
So I pushed back a little....
....anyway that was the last I heard from mommyheather

Moral of the story: mommyheather is probably a man and men still suck.

The end.
@threadreaderapp please unroll

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