THREAD: Exposure before Extraction

1. Many are screaming for the EXTRACTION of corrupt people. People are asking:

- Prosecutors will surely follow the rule of law, won’t they?
- Why can the people see the crimes, but nothing happens?
- Why are there no major arrests yet?

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THREAD: Original Trusts

1. Just for a moment, ponder:

- Does anyone own humanity?
- Does anyone 'think' they own humanity?
- Can a corporation own you, or just control you?
- What are ancient Trusts and who owned them?
- Do ancient Trusts still hold any authority in society?

2. Trusts and Corporations have woven a form of control around the earth and we are just now realizing their influence on society.

Let's explore how this may have occurred.

The earliest Trusts were not legal entities as they are today; they were powerful ‘statements of claim’.

3. They were known as Express Trusts.

These Trust required very little formality and could even be enacted orally, as proclamations.

They were most-commonly used for property transfers.

4. The first Express Trust was Unam Sanctam decreed in 1302.

With some egotistical distortions of biblical writing, this Trust effectively made Pope Boniface King of the World, believing that “every human creature” was now subject to the authority of the Pope (Item #9).

5. In celebration, he commissioned a gold-plated head-dress in the shape of a pine cone, with an elaborate crown at its base.

Note carefully, that it was the “growing body of canon law” (judges) that began to give the Pope his authority; both temporal (worldly) and spiritual.

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This is a piece I've been thinking about for a long time. One of the most dominant policy ideas in Washington is that policy should, always and everywhere, move parents into paid labor. But what if that's wrong?

My reporting here convinced me that there's no large effect in either direction on labor force participation from child allowances. Canada has a bigger one than either Romney or Biden are considering, and more labor force participation among women.

But what if that wasn't true?

Forcing parents into low-wage, often exploitative, jobs by threatening them and their children with poverty may be counted as a success by some policymakers, but it’s a sign of a society that doesn’t value the most essential forms of labor.

The problem is in the very language we use. If I left my job as a New York Times columnist to care for my 2-year-old son, I’d be described as leaving the labor force. But as much as I adore him, there is no doubt I’d be working harder. I wouldn't have stopped working!

I tried to render conservative objections here fairly. I appreciate that @swinshi talked with me, and I'm sorry I couldn't include everything he said. I'll say I believe I used his strongest arguments, not more speculative ones, in the piece.
@danielashby @AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd I'll bite. Let's try to keep it factual. There's a reasonable basis to some aspects of this question, that it might be possible to agree on. Then there are other, more variable, elements which depend on external factors such as transport and energy policy. /1

@AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd First up, we know reasonably well how much energy it takes to propel a high-speed train along the HS2 route. We can translate that into effective CO2 generated by making some assumptions about how green the electricity grid is. /2

@AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd Secondly, we have a reasonable grasp of how much CO2 is going to be generated by building HS2 - there are standard methods of working this out, based on the amount of steel, concrete, earthmoving, machine-fuelling etc required. /3

@AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd Thirdly, we can estimate how much CO2 is generated by cutting down trees, and how much is captured by planting new trees. We can also estimate how much CO2 is needed to keep the railway running and generated by maintaining the track /4

@AdamWJT @Greens4HS2 @TheGreenParty @GarethDennis @XRebellionUK @Hs2RebelRebel @HS2ltd We know how much CO2 is saved by moving goods by freight train on the lines freed up by moving the express trains on to HS2, rather than by truck. /5

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