How to build a side income $$: A [thread] 🧵

I have been asked this question a lot.

Tanay bhaiya, how can we build a side income?


How can we generate extra income while having a full-time job?

So here’s the answer.
[1] Build your personal brand

Personal branding can literally open 100s of doors for you.

No matter what field you are in, promoting yourself is always a plus.

Pick a social media platform and start showcasing your skills.
[2] Proof of work

One of my favourite topics to talk about.

Create a portfolio, upload code on Github, build a social presence on social media, make a PPT on a project, etc.

Proof of work is a game changer.
[3] Consulting

If you are good at a topic, subject or skill, start giving consultations.

Share your knowledge and keep upskilling.

Don’t stop sharing what you know and what you can do best.
[4] Courses

Create a course on what you’re good at.

There are already 100s of courses out there.

So, create a simple-to-understand and effective course and sell it on Udemy or Skillshare.

One of the simplest ways to make passive income.
[5] Freelancing

If you have extra time on weekends, you can take up freelance work or projects.

Freelancers can easily earn from 10K to 50k or more in a month.

If you are an expert, you can also earn over 1 lakh per month. I have paid my flat’s down payment through this.
[6] Start a blog or newsletter

If you’re into writing or good at sharing your thoughts, start a blog or paid newsletter.

I know for a fact that tech blog writers make $250+ /blog. Many of my friends have made good money this way.

Haven't done it myself but sounds interesting.
[7] ebooks

If you like writing, consider writing ebooks.

You can sell it online on various platforms and earn money.

It’s much easier than selling a paperback.
[8] YouTube

Since the pandemic, a lot of people have shifted towards content creation.

You can become a YouTuber and earn decent money through it.

However, it takes some time to earn money from the platform.

But again, nothing comes easy.
Disclaimer: My blanket suggestion is that don’t build a side income unless you really need it. You should concentrate on your life, health, loved ones and if time permits your craft. You can make a lot more by being good in your field vs trying to create a side income.
Disclaimer II: However, I have done a lot of side earnings. Sometimes through workshops, freelancing, etc. But the motive was always to learn more and the topics were to help me hone my craft.
If you can find an overlap like this it gives you an accountable way to grow outside office hours.

These are some of the basic and most easiest passive activities that you can do, while still working 9 to 5.

Let me know your favourite in the comments.
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Thanks for reading. :)

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