Ikigai - Japanese Secret to long and happy life ✨

Ikigai means reason for being. This concept can help you find your purpose, the reason for waking up in the morning.


When you are in Ikigai, you will be doing the right thing with the right mindset. You will be entering a state of flow.
As the 1st diagram shows Ikigai holds the central position and involves four major spheres of interest and how they might overlap in one’s life.
4 Dimensions:

1 - Something you are good at
2 - You love to do
3 - The world should need it
4 - You have to get paid for that
Dimension 1: Something you are good at.

We often spend too much time improving something we are bad at and ignoring what we are good at.

Concentrate on what you are good at. Become a master in that one thing.

Possess specialized knowledge! 📗
Dimension 2: Something that you love.

This goes hand in hand with Dim 1. You are only good at something because you love it.

The complication occurs when you love something that has certain parts that you repel.

This is where you need to understand the power of outsourcing.
Dimension 3: The world should need it.

The world here can be a small family, a small community or the whole wide world.

Dwell upon how your current skill set can make the world a better place?
Dimension 4: It shuld generate money.

To make this sustainable, consider money as a form of energy that fuels this purpose.
How do these dimensions relate to each other?

Dim 1 & 2 = When we do what we are good at and what we love = Passion

But Passion alone does not mean Ikigai, as it could also be something the world does not need (can be destructive) or generate money.
Dim 2 & 3 = What you love and what the world needs = Mission

But a mission alone cannot be Ikigai. Because we may not be good at it nor do we earn anything from it.
Dim 3 & 4 = What the world needs and you get paid for = Vocation

This alone does not mean Ikigai. We might not be good at it nor do we love doing it. Without passion for it, it won't sustain for long.
Dim 4 & 1 = What we get paid for & also good at it = Profession

But this does not mean the world needs it or that one loves doing it. Many people hate their professions.
What you need is a combination of all 4 dimensions. 💫

This is not something you will find in a day. But understanding the 4 dimensions is the 1st step in the quest to achieve Ikigai.
Finding Ikigai is a worthwhile pursuit. When you find it, it's so easy to get into it and merge into the flow.
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