My Rush story is the opposite of most people’s. He wasn’t the first host I heard. I didn’t grow up listening to him (my entire family runs left of left). I only heard him when I got to college (after several failed attempts since he was out a lot). 1/x

My original line about him was that he was the Johnny Carson of talk radio (more about his vacations than being the pioneer of the radio). But as I look back, that comparison is more true than I realized. 2/x
Rush wasn’t just one of a kind, he was a man of the world and a man of high class. He was generous by all accounts. And best of all, he taught his listeners to be bold. You didn’t have to fear being a conservative. 3/x
No matter what anyone says about you, once you know the truth, they can’t destroy you. All they can do is lie about you, but liars lose in the end. 4/x
Rush knew better than anyone. There was an entire industry set up for the sole purpose of destroying him. They never could because everything they said about him was an abject lie. 5/x
And that was the lesson I needed. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth. Don’t be afraid to admit to being a conservative. Don’t let the left’s smear campaign wear you down. Don’t let what anyone says about you stop you from speaking your mind. 6/x
Even if you’re attacked, and you will be. Even if you lose friends, and I have. Speak the truth, but don’t be a jerk about it. Defend your values without seeking enemies. That’s the far more important thing than ideology that I learned from Rush. 7/x
And knowing that he was a believer and he had his faith in Christ makes this a happy moment for him. Our loss is Heaven’s gain. His talent was on loan from God and now it’s his time to return it. #RIPRushLimbaugh 8/8
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Margatha Natarajar murthi - Uthirakosamangai temple near Ramanathapuram,TN
Unique Natarajar made of emerlad is abt 6 feet tall.
It is always covered with sandal paste.Only on Thriuvadhirai Star in month Margazhi-Nataraja can be worshipped without sandal paste.

After removing the sandal paste,day long rituals & various abhishekam will be day Maragatha Nataraja sannandhi will be closed after anointing the murthi with fresh sandal paste.Maragatha Natarajar is covered with sandal paste throughout the year

as Emerald has scientific property of its molecules getting disturbed when exposed to light/water/sound.This is an ancient Shiva temple considered to be 3000 years old -believed to be where Bhagwan Shiva gave Veda gyaana to Parvati Devi.This temple has some stunning sculptures.

Russia hasn't been a willing partner in this treaty for almost 3 decades. We should have ended the pretense long ago.

Naturally, Rand Paul is telling anyone who will listen to him that Trump is making a HUGE MISTAKE here.

Rand is just like his dad, Ron. 100% isolationist.

They've never grasped that 100% isolationist is not 'America First' when you examine it. It really means 'America Alone'.

The consistent grousing of pursuing military alliances with allies - like Trump is doing now with Saudi Arabia.

So of course Rand has also spent the last 2 days loudly calling for Trump to kill the arms deal with Saudi Arabia and end our alliance with them.

What Obama was engineering with his foreign policy was de facto isolationism: pull all the troops out of the ME, abandon the region to Iranian control as a client state of Russia.

Obama wasn't building an alliance with Iran; he was facilitating abandoning the ME to Iran.

Obama wouldn't even leave behind a token security force, so of course what happened was the rise of ISIS. He also pumped billions of dollars into the Iranian coffers, which the Mullah's used to fund destabilizing activity [wars/terrorism] & criminal enterprises all over the globe