Master psychology and you can sell anything.

But most people don't know where to start.

8 books that will teach you how people think (so you can 3x your sales):

1. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Hurari

Lessons & Insights:
• Belief in collective myths is the defining attribute of humanity (corporations, governments, society)
• Telling a story other ppl believe is the ultimate superpower. All successful founders have this power.
2. How Minds Change by David McRaney

Lessons & Insights:
• Get someone to see you as "us" and not "them" and you can change their mind about anything
• A good story overcomes fears / uncertainties / doubts. We don’t prepare a rebuttal when engaged in a story.
3. Blindsight by Matt Johnson and Prince Ghuman

Lessons & Insights:
• We buy with emotions then rationalize with logic
• Our lived experience is a story of reality, told by our senses
• Facts are less important than the story we experience: “We eat the menu, not the food”
4. How To Change by Katy Milkman

Lessons & Insights:
• Familiarity breeds habits
• Tremendous willpower comes from good habits that keep us on track
• Most powerful way to start something new: Change your internal story
5. Evolutionary Ideas by Sam Tatam

Lessons & Insights:
• Evolutionary thinking steals new ideas from other domains
• And it's the most efficient way to innovate.
• Behavioral science gives us a framework to easily find and steal ideas from other domains
6. Influence by Robert Cialdini

Lessons & Insights:
• Scarcity motivates us to act
• We believe people we think are "like us"
• If someone does us a favor we want to return it
• We crave consistency: We feel good when we do what we say
7. Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein

Lessons & Insights:
• Nudges are small changes for small improvements in decision-making
• Stack nudges for big improvements
• Defaults are powerful: Default users to the choice you want them to make
8. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman

Lessons & Insights:
• Copy + design sets the context of your offer
• Copywriting is how you use your knowledge of psychology
• Each line of copy has 1 job: To drive the reader to the next line

8 books to teach you more about how people think than a $120k MBA:
1. Nudge
2. Sapiens
3. Blindsight
4. Pre-suasion
5. How to Change
6. Evolutionary Ideas
7. How Minds Change
8. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook
That's a wrap!

If you like nerding out on:
- Digital marketing
- Growth strategies
- Customer psychology

then you'll want to give me a follow @kennysmithnanic

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